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Posts posted by reckless

  1. how big again is your tank? if your tank is small enough, the flow from the water output (from the sump back to main tank) would be sufficient for zoa IMO.

    as for temperature, i would say the fan is needed in our climate. best to maintain around 26 to 28 degrees celsius. be careful at night though. switching the aircon would cause drop in the temperature below 25. unless ur aircon is always turned to 26 to 28 then should be fine. getting a chiller will always be a good idea.

    topping up of water - do remember to use DI/RO water for these. best to standby a bucket full of DI/RO water for top ups. watch for pH too.

    food - for starters, zoas would be just happy with regular water changes with occasional dose of coral food - once a week? don't dose too much or it will foul up ur tank.

    as for ammonia and fishes - i assume your tank has completed its 4 weeks water cycle? if so, then i don't think ammonia would be a problem coz your established bacteria would have already helped u with that. watch for nitrate. too high of it will cause stress to fish and corals losing color. if your tank has not completed the water cycle, then...the damsel shouldn't be in there in the first place. but i doubt thats the case?

    don't add anymore fishes just yet. get the hang of handling the routine of your tank system first - water change, feeding and temperature etc.

    lastly, welcome to reefing!!!

  2. there has been a change of plans to my tank so I will be clearing some frags...

    2 small jewel corals. these are tiny small ones. opens up to smaller than a fist size. selling at $8 each.

    Luminous orange mushies( you can see my signature picture). very healthy and been with me for a looong time. selling at $10 per head. only 2 heads available per frag.

    Tropical skittle zoa - decided to let go of ONLY 1 polyp for $12

    2 colonies of sweet pinks zoa and purple fissions zoa going at $10 per colony.

    Pictures of all the corals above can be found on my tank thread and other posts.

    whoever that gets ALL of the above, i will be giving you ADDITIONAL some other small coral frags not listed above for FREE.

    corals collection can ONLY BE THIS FRIDAY MORNING AT 10am-12noon. Jurong West.

    Serious buyer who can confirm with me only, please PM me.

  3. hey guys..been awhile since i update... okay so i scrapped the vodka idea coz it needs daily attention....which i cant provide at the moment. but i've been dosing the phosphate remover once in awhile and doing 20% water change every 2 weeks or so. have yet to test the water parameters.

    On another note,

    - algae are kept at bay. In fact, it is reducing all around the tank except for the usual crazy growth of purple coralline algae.

    - My Plate coral is now about the size of my palm... from when i first got it the size of 10cent coin. Also, the new (pin-head size) Plate coral which grew in my tank is now the size of a 5cent coin with the luminous green showing strongly.

    - The Tropical Skittle Zoa Frag i have as of today, has 4 polyps. up 3 more polyps from when i first got it.

    - Mushies are appearing more here and there.

    - Luminous GSP Colony getting really bushy already. need to call grass cutter soon liao

    - Think my Magician and RPPE which i got from bro Thairun, have grown 1 or 2 more polyps each.

    Also, I've removed the stock RSM 130 built-in Protein Skimmer from the IOS compartment and replaced it with a bigger Reef Octopus Protein Skimmer in the Sump Tank compartment below the RSM tank. So now my tank is at over skimming mode.

  4. Agree with James, with sump you also increase the total water volume.

    Canister is known to be a nitrate factory after long usage

    agree too. have the small display tank and hide the bigger sump. it all just means that the bio load for the tank is very very very minimal due to the size of the display tank and coz the filtration is huge! hehe!

  5. hi bro, may i just suggest that mandarin goby needs a much bigger tank to survive... had my fair share when i first started out. didnt do research....went LFS and was told it was easy to care for.... then after 6mths of trying to feed it and adding of copepods...it starved and died. :rip: now i stop at 3 small fishes in my LPS dominated RSM 130 Tank.

    since u're going in the direction of very small tanks... y not use an IQ3 or IQ5 tank since your water parameters are at +-0ppm nitrate? a pump, a good LED light, a cooling fan, very strict routine daily water change/top up and u're good to go. just a thought...

    neways, too much liverock in a small tank will contribute to bad water circulation = algae.

    lastly, with the corals u have, water changes are sufficient. as for supplement, coral food once a week is fine. other than that, nothing else is needed.

    best not to disturb the corals and water all the time.

    Alkalinity should be around 9-12dkh. Most fresh salt mix will have around 12dkh.

    pH should be around 8.2 to 8.4 at 26 degrees celsius.

    dun worry about calcium and magnesium for now. water changes will replenish all these.

    hope ur tank will recover and come out to be one of the best bro

  6. Hi guys!

    FRAG E - Rare Tropical Skittle - Lime Green Center, Yellow base and brownish/greyish skirting. (refer to top picture. true colors not captured in picture.)

    now up for sale. has grown from 1 polyp 2 months ago to now currently 3 polyps. All stable.

    would like to let go 2 polyps. these are rare Zoas so no low ballers please. PM ur best Offers.

    collection will be in jurong west Weekends.

    Non-refundable deposit of $20 is required to seal the deal.

    Thanks All for the great support!

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