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Posts posted by reckless

  1. finally managed to find the time to get a small bottle of vodka to give it a try.... i mean to my tank. hehz... started yesterday with 0.1ml in the morning and 0.1ml at night... so far tested my parameters....

    NO3 - 20ppm

    Phosphate - 0ppm coz been manual dosing phosphate remover

    Alkalinity - 12kh

    Ph - 8.4

    no water change has been done for 2 weeks when water parameters were tested. gonna see if nitrate will go down with this method...

    on another note, time to trim my GSP once again when i find the time....and ofcoz, will put them up for sale once i cut out small frags.


  2. hi all

    i need to let go of them as they are getting too big for my tank.


    - Purple in Colour with Blue Stripes

    - 1 and a half palm size when fully bloom.

    - already have them for more than a year with me.

    - very healthy and spreading around the tank

    *Please note colors in pictures does not show the true colors. Those who have seen my tank will know.

    Interested party please PM me for interest and state a reasonable price. I'm open to trading with other mushrooms or corals too.

    Collection is in Jurong West.


  3. i thought that those white stuff on the fish are the parasite itself feeding on the fish, it white becoz its getting bigger n carrying eggs. When it detached itself, the parasite dies and the egg hatch in the substrate. so the cycle goes on... removing the fishes from display tank will eventually coz the parasite not having host. therefore they cant feed and reproduce..

    ahh. something like that. can't remember liao coz it was quite some time back since i came across this problem. dose the tank with Kent Marine's Rx something2 for about a week and do AT LEAST 50% water change....was a very busy week for me having to deal with these itch. but after that, all is fine and all my fishes recovered :)

    On the bright side, its good to encounter all these problems so we will know how to handle and treat them when they arises next time :)

  4. oh and as for ADA like tank.... i went C328 recently too... dun have... they use to have though. you can try east side tampines st 21 if i'm not wrong. theres a fresh water fish shop there. saw some very nice ADA like tanks for about $60 plus.

  5. is it a white itch? if it is, then i would say the whole tank needs to be treated. Had my fair share of this itch before. read somewhere before that those white spots are actually "eggs" for these parasites. so when u notice that the white spots suddenly disappear, what actually happen is that the parasites have successfully hatch and is now in the water column and will start its infestation cycle again until a they start multiplying and hosting on your fishes again. well, that is if i got it correctly... and if you guys are talking about the same itch.

    best to always quarantine your new fish before releasing into the main tank.

  6. Some Frags for sale:

    Please note pictures are not colour edited except for labelling.

    Frag A - Blowpop Eye Of Rah - $10

    Frag B - GSP - $8

    Frag C - $25

    Frag D - Purple Fission - $18

    Frag E - Tropical Skittle - Not For Sale

    Frag F - Pink Zoas - $12

    Frag G - Sweet Pinks - $14

    Frag H- Sweet Pinks & Purple Fission - $10

    Frag I - Radioactive Drangon Eye - $8


    Frag A Close Up


    Frag B Close Up


    Frag C Close up


    Frag F Close Up


    Colony of Frag F


    - Sales of Frags are on a FCFS Basis.

    - 50% Non-refundable Deposit of total amount is required for reservation of coral frags.

    - Any corals not collected within a month will be released for sale again to other reefers.

    - Please PM me with the Frag that you are interested in.

    - Will be giving $5 discount for ANY 4 Frags taken by any 1 single buyer. (Depends on availability of frags)


    • Like 1
  7. lol! thats what i heard too (not about the part of getting drunk :P) did some research on it and it seems that the doses are really really small even for big tanks. I mean like really small! haha...what more if dose into a small tank like mine! but the results are good...I thought of biopellets before... although good, kinda expensive...then again... the hobby itself is expensive. :chair: hehe... anyways, had some new shots taken of my tank... will post when i have the time!

  8. let go of my cleaner shrimp. so its now just a pair of clowns, bicolor blenny and 2 snails in my RSM 130 with DIY Overflow to a 2x1x1 refugium tank.

    Any bros doing vodka dosing to their tanks? hopefully u guys can guide me on how to go into this direction considering my current setup. thanks!

  9. and please don't cycle your tank with fishes or any LS in it... these are living breathing organisms. sit out and wait for the tank for finish its cycle.

    Add 1 piece of market prawn, and dose with bacteria for now. Cycling is the stage where your goal is to achieve a healthy colony of bacteria that will help to consume harmful waste later on.... nothing else. don't worry about any nutrients in your tank for the time being. looking forward to an established tank of urs :)

  10. most people recommends me chiller.. i cant get 25-27c even with 2 fans.

    Get the chiller. With fans, you have to deal with fluctuating temperatures. especially in our SG weather, what if the room temp is at 31degrees. fans can only bring down to 2 or 3 degrees at most. You will have no control over this. And you have to do frequent DI/RO water top up to your tank due to evaporation. That equals to more work. Just get a chiller that can cool down the water to a desired consistent temperature no matter what the room temperature is and will be.

    As for water flow to the chiller, to fast of a flow is also not good coz the chiller won't have time to chill the water thats flowing through. You don't need a fast flow of water. To have control over this, u can try putting a shut-off valve in between the pump and the chiller so u can manually control the flow. resun450 is too big for for your tank IMO.

  11. Very Active. Sheds its shell every few months and lay eggs every 6 months or so. eats anything not eaten by the fishes. have to let go becoz getting too big for my tank. keeps disturbing my corals.

    PM me for your best offer. Collection tmrw morning or this sunday ONLY at Jurong West

    Letting go to tanks which are at least a year old only.thanks.

  12. Thanks bros for the heads up on LEDs and MM. Yeah well seems like everywhere ran out of MM. So i'm just gonna stick with my current set up. Btw, saw a wave controller module that can make any pump or wavemaker to go into intermittent pulsating mode. Will it be okay for for the wavemaker and pumps?

  13. ahh i see i see :)

    anyways, sad news, even N30 has run out of stock of miracle mud. Seems that the agent handling MM shipments in SG is not bringing in the product anymore... :(

    2nd choice is Caribsea Mineral Mud. But reviews about it is not too good...

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