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Posts posted by tahir69

  1. OK i will try to note down my spces here now:


    ph - 8

    ammonia - 0

    nitrite - 0

    nitrate -20

    20% of water change weekly.

    previously using seawater but now using corallife to mixed myself




    i box

    sump tank

    2ft..err those fibre glass tank

    jebo skimmer powdered by 2000l/hr pump

    return pump to maink - weipro wh-3000, 2300l/hr


    switch on only at night between:

    7pm-1am white

    1am-5am blue

    ocean free fl

    solar white 20w

    arcadia blue 20w

    unknown brand-pl

    t4-24w 2 blue/white

    using 10 kg LR and 3 kg "deadrock"

    tank is about 6 mths now.

    These photos are take a few days ago. most of the fish in here is abt 2-4wks, except for the african clown, which is my favourite, help me with the feeding of the anemones and also my blood shrimp, whihc seldom goes out from the LR.

    Recently after my tank crash, I always look up to this forums for help and also some of the thread that are very useful. And also with some pple that I know from this forums and sometimes still contact him for advise.

    I'm looking for more suggestion /critics from everybody so as to improve my tank.

    Please feel free.


  2. After the last incident when my fish dies,now i hv been doing water changes every week, without miss. I using seawater, bought from pasir ris farm and using my motorbike to the transportation :cry2: Can someday tell me where can i get the plastic drum(container)to transport the seawater, coz using the plastic bags is so dangerous?

    And now it seems everything going smoothly. just need to know, whether weekly changes of water will have any effect on my LS or corals.

  3. Tks guys, this will help me alot now. Hahahahah..in actually fact i dont know..until my african clown do the works....cause usually i just give the 'phytoplankton' or this 'liquifry marine' or what u call them...i thought that wil works.. and can i just add in some more, how abt hammer and bubble, what is the best for them to feed, seems like my bubble is closing down?

  4. can someone help me with this?what do anemone actually eats? I have this problem yesterday when feeding my fishes, giving them frozen brine shrimps..usually i soaked then with garlic guard first until the frozen brine shrimp 'melt' but then yesterday before they really melt, i put in and then the african clown without caring for the others rush to shrimp and grab it pull down to the anemone and left it there, leaving the other fish in hunger, i place another one and it happn again..i was amazed seeing what happen? can some explain to me y is this happening and what the best food for anemone?

  5. have try adjusting the air valve, tks bro, currently the foam still buildup but its not like previously.. ok hopefully it will stay that way...another thing is that mine, nitrate is at 40, and ph goes down to 7.8, after check yesterday...anyway that this nitrate can be reduce..coz there this lfs, show me this bottle nitrate minus' to lower down the nitrate. is the true?

    can someone confirm this?

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