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Posts posted by rebbot

  1. I need some advise from the reefers here. I just added some SPS colonies, blue staghorn and bi-color mille to tank last Friday. As such, I have been checking the water parameters since Monday as follows:

    28 Nov 2011


    Calcium 360-370ppm

    KH 7-7.2dKH

    MG 930ppm

    P04 0.1mg/l

    NO3 0mg/l

    29 Nov 2011


    Calcium 360-370ppm

    KH 7.3-7.7dKH

    MG 960ppm

    P04 0.1mg/l

    NO3 0mg/l

    PH 7.8 - 7.83

    30 Nov 2011


    Calcium 350-360ppm

    KH 7.7-8dKH

    MG 900ppm

    P04 0.1mg/l

    NO3 0mg/l

    PH 8.0 - 8.3

    I have been adding MG concentrate daily since Monday as well to raise MG by 20ppm daily given the low MG levels. However my top-up from Iwarna is RO/DI water with CA, ALK and MG additives. As such, it is snowing in my tank now due to the calcium carbonate precipitation.

    My questions are:

    1) Why has MG dropped so drastically from yesterday? This is given that I am dosing MG concentrate daily.

    2) Should I just top up with RO/DI water without the additives first?

    3) The PH is also swinging due to the in-balance in parameters. Any adverse effects that I should take care of?

    Thank you!

  2. Dear all,

    I want to try out T5 and have a 8.5/10 condition Giesemann Nova II 150w for trade with a ATI Powermodul fixture 4 x 24w. I have two bulbs, 6500K (used for around 2 months) and 20K (used for less than 3 weeks). No rust or paint peeling from the fixture. The fixture was bought new from reef depot.

    I can do the trade anytime. Please SMS or whatsapp me at +65 9187 95 three two for a quick response.

    Thank you!

  3. dottyback very pai si one...i mean aggressive...royal gramma looks even better...CF has a few

    and also u can try those dwarf angels like venentus, golden, multicolour, lemonpeel...they will live yr tank..coz a lot of rocks for them to hide

    I also thought dottyback is very territorial but the one I have seems to be shy and does not really bother other fishes even when they come near. I think I am done with the fishes for now. I want to concentrate on inserting more corals into the mixed reef slowly as I venture further.


  4. Nice setup Bro, the elegance and the other corals on the right sure make it look larger than 60cm. Are you using a skimmer? I assume that round glass bulb thingy on the top left is the lily pipe, what's it for? Cheers.

    Thanks! Actually I just bought a skimmer yesterday from reef depot. Its currently in the tank breaking in now. You are right that the round glass bulb thingy is the lily pipe. It is the outlet pipe from my filter back into the tank. It also serves as a surface skimmer since it keeps the water surface agitated so scum does not form. It was decommissioned from my last freshwater tank so I just used it but does not do anything in special in this case.

  5. Bro.. if u read the manual for wavebox, its meant to be used with a wavemaker... reason, wb generates left/right motion.. it doesnt create flow... u may need a assembled to create some flow...


    Hmmm I always assumed the left right motion creates waves as it houses a wavemaker in the enclosure?

    The left right motion at the lowest setting is moving the water around the entire tank as I have fed with the wavebox on and it helps circulate and distribute the food.

    Hmmm I do have another wavemaker but I think adding it in will not make much difference since I can easy turn up the wavebox settings for more movement.

  6. It's been a while since I have had a tank. My last tank was a freshwater tank but got tired of maintaining it as plants were growing like weeds and I did not have time to prune and maintain them.

    I decided to reset the tank and commission a marine tank instead. I last got my feet wet in marine over a year ago and it was a good experience but the tank was only a 1 feet cube at that time which was too small to maintain so I sold it off to a fellow reefer who can take much better care of it. Cedric was one of the reefers who left a big impression on me and I hope to have a display tank like his. I am now back with my latest marine without spending too much money as I reused equipment from my previous freshwater setup. Many thanks to Victor and his team from Iwarna as well who helped with the initial setup and advice.

    Equipment List:

    - ADA 60P (L60cm x W30cm x H36xm)

    - Custom Cabinet

    - Eheim 2026 Filter

    - Do!Aqua Lily Pipes

    - Tunze Nano Wavebox

    - Giesemann NovaII 150W (20K Bulb)

    - Hailea 150A Chiller


    - Crocea Clam x 2

    - Elegance

    - Red Open Brain x 2

    - Green Open Brain

    - Blue Mushroom

    - Cauliflower x 2

    - Green lobo

    - Golden lobo

    - Red Blasto

    - Jewel

    - True Octopus

    - Anchor Hammer x 2

    - Torch

    - White Bubble

    - Star Polyp

    Live Stock:

    - Pixy Hawkfish

    - Skunk Shrimps x 2

    - 1 Pair of True Percula

    - 1 Pair Black Ocellaris Clown

    - 6 line wrasse

    - Orchid Dottyback

    - Yellow Head Boxing Shrimp

    - Orange Spot Goby

    - Cling Fish

    - Snails x 2

    - Chromis x 2

    Final Tank Shot for 16 November 2011:


    Please pardon the poor iPhone picture but will adjust the WB to better reflect the colors. Hope to learn more from the reefers her and continue this journey!


  7. The tank and maxspect has been spoken for.

    I still have the nano chiller (Hailea HC-100) and canister filter (Eheim 2213) available. The combination is great for 1 to 1.5 feet nano tanks. With this combination, the chiller kicks in once every 1.5 hours to chill the tank to 27 degrees celsius. The chiller takes about 15 minutes maximum to cool down the water before kicking in again in 1.5hours.

    Cheers! :)

  8. Dear all,

    I am shifting to a new apartment soon and will be transferring my livestocks into a bigger tank. As such, I am looking to sell the following equipment as a set:

    - 1 feet cube (Optic-white from ANS)

    - Maxspect G2 60W

    - Hailea HC-100 Nano Chiller

    - Eheim 2213 Filter with live rocks rubble and Chemipure

    The total retail price comes up to around $1k. Most of the equipment are almost brand new with boxes and warranty except for the chiller which is 1 year old. Some personal warranty will be provided as goodwill. I am looking for around $580 and there will be more discount for anyone who can deal tonight. I need someone to take the tank first as I have some leftover mushies and zoas to give away in it. My main tank is full at the moment and is a bonus for the buyer.

    The priority goes to the first person who can take the whole set.

    Please call or sms me at 9187 nine five three two for a quick deal.

    Thank you!

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