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Posts posted by deelrohan

  1. Dear bros,

    this reefer here is really has an irresponsible character (IRC).

    OOOFishFish had agreed to give him the whole tank set (2ft cube + Cabinet + Sump Tank + pipings + etc etc..) upon agreement to collect the WHOLE tank set.

    IRC agreed to collect the whole tank set this afternoon. OooFishFish's had instructed his younger bro to direct IRC to collect the whole tank set as OooFishFish has to work. After OooFishFish's younger bro had seen IRC taken the whole set, he went back into the house (naturally...)

    This is not the end..... this is the interesting part:

    IRC apparently went back and left some boards and Styrofoam boards (from the whole tank set) infront of OooFishFish's house!!

    Not only that, he left the 2ft cube (main tank) and the cabinet at the void deck!!! (Which is illegal and can be fined)

    What IRC wanted was only the sump tank which OooFishFish agreed only to give him as a set (FOC off course)....

    In the end, OooFishFish's younger bro and dad had to carry up the tank back to his house again. OooFishFish found that the cabinet was damaged due to IRC's afternoon move.

    I feel that the tank can be given to a new reefer instead. Now, the tank is totally wasted and being dumped away.

    IMO, please do not... and I mean DO NOT give anything to IRC.

    Hey do u know i can sue you for slander? i did not even asked for what cube tank i have both 3ft tanks 2ft tanks and many moore and i am not angelfish nor have i change my nick get your fuking facts right before u accuse and if u wanna blabber without knowing about anything just stfu and gtfo what a loser

  2. i also new begginer in marine, but when i see this guy. i really want to shoot him too. no plan, no cycle and buy funny funny thing and think the tank is ready to start killing. What kind of people is this?

    Please forgive me if i am too rude.

    you should just kindly shut the *expletive* up -.-

  3. Hi bro, welcome to the hobby. I know you must have heard it said a thousand times before, but once again, don't be in a hurry to make your setup look "full". Good luck to your search and happy reefing.

    thanks ya i but i did i went to fish farm and seletar and ask alot from the old man he told me must use this use that and i my water and stuffs all bought from him scared that i over put the salt =) bought some fishes and starfish now looking to make a nice habitat for the fishes to swim in =) and also more companions cos i bought like one of each

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