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Posts posted by RAV-65

  1. ryz....

    thanxs for the detailed explanation... really needed dat to clear my mind up... anyway, about feeding zooplankton, i can use the frozen mysis shrimps i have rite? but how to feed? the water current keep sweeping it away and also, the cleaner shrimp will compete for it... den eventually when i get my 3x2x2 tank, feeding it would be a huge effort coz of the height f the tank... any advise? or wat about those BBS? izit good enuff?

    Vincent Ho :thanks:

  2. really dun know,

    the bubbles didn't really open, den i tested ph and it was about 7.9, only 2 days ago, it was 8.2 so i added the marine buffer, when i increase the ph, now it starts blooming again, but the colour already faded... sigh... a

    Anyway, why does the ph keep dropping?

    Vincent Ho :thanks:

  3. Hi Blenny,

    I intend to hang the light about 1 feet above the water surface, heard its better to use a 250W... so that the light can penetrate into the tank all the way.... would u agree?

    Can anyone else confirm this too?

    Vincent Ho

  4. Hmm... but actually, i wanna know if it's good enuff.... for some hard corals and some LS... coz it seems the 20KK dun really promote coral growth, but i like the 20KK light effect, so i tot of having the blue actinic to provide some "blue".... :)

    Vincent Ho

  5. Hi all,

    after reading all the feedback here, whereby the MH 10KK promotes better growth for corals as compared to 20KK, I tot of using a MH 1x250W 10KK and a T5 Actinic blue light for the blue colour effect in my 3x2x2 tank... can anyone who is familiar with lightings give some advice/opinion?

    Vincent Ho :thanks:

  6. JT,

    thanxs! :thanks: so now dun have to wait until after CNY... kekeke... somehow i still find my tank very plain... and abit messy and cramp, dat's why gotta get rid of one anemone... but the other seems to be growing bigger and bigger... sigh... :nc:

    Vincent Ho :D

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