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Posts posted by kira76

  1. The problem for leaving it dry for so long is that the silicon seal may have dried up, thus causing leakage to the tank. You might wanna test the tank first by filling it with water and leaving it for a few days.

    A fail safe method is to reseal the joints using new silicon.

  2. Bro, I think your rics are yuma, not rics per say but close cousins. Rics usually refers to Ricordea Florida and Yuma refers to Ricordea Yuma. The difference is at the mouth of the coral.

    You're theoritically not wrong to say that they are rics as both Florida and Yuma falls under the Ricordea family. But I'm just stating the normal terms that we use here so as not to confuse others.

    Do goggle both up and you should be able to tell the difference.

  3. i had a beautiful yellow tang in the tank over a year. Then i added a smaller size purple tang in. The yellow tang attacked the purple tang for a couple of days. The fins of the purple tang were torn and bitten off. Then the squabbles between the two became less aggressive. 12 months later the purple tang grew in strength and started attacking the yellow tang more aggresively. Not long thereafter, the yellow tang died.

    Wahhha. I better take note cos I just addded a small purple tang and my resident larger yellow tang attacked it for a few days. Now aggression had stop but have to watch out when the purple tang grow in size and start attacking th eyellow tang..........

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