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Everything posted by Yxh

  1. Got 2 big pc, PM me if u keen
  2. Bro, how did u get rid of these brown algae.. Any secret.. dose anything?
  3. Thanks for your sharing bro Steel Toe
  4. Bro, any reason for choosing aluminum stand instead of normal cabinet..
  5. Yxh

    Skimz salt

    My observation is dissolve faster than other brand
  6. Hi, finding above for 3 ft tank. Kindly PM me if you have one to let go. Thank you.
  7. Alamak, already bought the 3 stage DI unit last week.
  8. Yxh

    Wtb skimmer

    Hi, Looking for Deltec 1455 skimmer. Pls PM me if you have one to let go. Thanks.
  9. Hi All, Good enough if we just use DI water for a fish only tank ?
  10. Bro, where you buy all those branch rock..
  11. Hi bro, the rock can straight put inside the tank after soaked with vineger..or at least rinse with water first.. btw did u dry ur rock under the sun..
  12. Tnx for your prompt reply bro, will plan accordingly.
  13. Ok ok. Effectiveness will be reduced if mix water with vinegar right ..
  14. Noted. Can I use those small bottle buy from NTUC to soak the rock.. I think also quite cheap about $1 ++ per bottle.
  15. Anyone selling pls PM me, thank you.
  16. Hi bro. May I ask the 30 ltr of vineger you used - is it those small bottles white vineger we buy from NTUC for cooking..
  17. Special tank. More pictures pls..
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