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Posts posted by aquamike

  1. I think its impt to qt all fish even from fellow reefers. I learnt the hard way. Once I bought some clowns from a fellow reefer (they looked perfectly healthy btw), and put into main tank. 4 days later, all my banner fish got hit with ich.

    Another time, i bought 6 fish from a lfs and put into my main tank. In the end 5 survived (1 KO due to stress) but........for the next 3-4 days, had to keep clearing corpses every morning.I lost about 15 of my long time residents due to bacteria infection. I think sometimes, the fish we bring back are carriers - they may have developed resistance to a particular strain of disease, but our own resident fish may be vulnerable.

  2. Ok. From what I understand, the W or watts refer to the energy consumption of the bulb correct? So what I am curious about is whether 2 x 1ft bulbs produce the same amount of light as 1 x 2ft bulbs.

    Because if the answer is yes, then (from an energy efficiency point of view) that would mean that 2x 1ft bulbs are a lot more economical to run.

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