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Posts posted by Sinn

  1. ok heres what i can share wiff u...

    1) for how much salt to buy..

    i think for a 6 feet tank a bucket would be good..

    as for choices of salt mixes... u can go to this post http://www.sgreefclub.com/forums/index.php...a078d2d2ee3c688

    2) for the sump u can click here

    theres an adress of a tank maker there...

    but be sure that u have yer designs ready...

    do a search on the forum... theres alot of ideas of sump design u can copy from our fellow brothers....

    3) skimmer wise... i think the others can comment.. not so sure whats good for a 6 footer

    4) as for sources of fishes...

    theres a few threads on this...

    you could tell us where u stay so we could give those that are closest to u...

    just my 1 cent worth

  2. i think someone told me theres a hardware shop located at serangoon north selling it also... theres a corner hardware shop ard the area...

    i think hes refering to that one...

    will post when i find out....

  3. its not only possible to keep marine fishes in 2 feet tanks but some corals as well...

    if yer intrested in keeping corals... be prepared to spend $$ on the equipments (can spend on equipment while waiting for live stock to come)....

    some nice nano reefs can be found here

    u can do a search in this forum for further details of the equipment needed

    hope that helps

  4. sure wolfie!

    time and place?

    how much do u have... intending to make a small rock crate....

    u can pm me the details...

    anyway ive never used chinese compo paper cause im not chinese :D

  5. outta point but just wanted to say it...

    i almost had an accident just now...

    tried to squeeze between a long vehicle and the bukit timah exit at PIE...

    my car went to much to the left and it skidded cause of the sand by the road...

    car went outta control ..

    and was zig zaging for a while

    damn scary man!!!

    life could end in such an instant....

  6. yer right pospeh...

    it does get pretty cold when i sleep wiff temp set at 20, furthermore its a new air con! :lol:

    as for electricity bills, i intend not to know how much it is... my dad's aint complaining... YET..

    jason... 6 litres of water seems to be alot! thats like 4 bottles of 1.5l coke a day....

  7. i think i cud get that kinda temp ..

    if i switch on the air con when i go to school

    and off it when i go to sleep

    the worst thing that could happen is getting nagged at... :lol:

    ok i think i will try switching the fan on during the day - hoping it doesnt get higher then 27

    and off it at night...

    that way the noise from the fan wont be distracting as well aye!

    btw ebi,

    whats the size of the tank in the office?

    mind telling me what equipment is used and how u manage it?

  8. ok ive got a question before i embark on the temperature part of the tank...

    my room is air conditioned, tank temp ranges from 22 (at night wiff air con) to 29 (day)

    from what tanzy told me, fluctuations in temp is a killer...

    so the question is...

    shd i

    1) get a fan to cool the temp during the day ( but dont know how low it would go)


    2) use a heater at night?

    Thank you ;)

  9. because Nature was selling 1 X 35W ballast at $15 and the 2 X 36W ballast at $20...

    theres a difference of $10

    furthermore, wouldnt 2 ballast emit more heat?

    so u are saying it is possible aye?

    if can perhaps after i get my stuff i meet u?


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