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Posts posted by derf

  1. If it was the trigger which did it... there would be evidence... they are messy eaters...

    or perhaps his accomplices, the hermit crabs, cleared up the evidence!


    not the least bit evidence.... so i really dunno wat happened... i've my tank for more than 6mths... no signs of other hitch-hikers cos i cleared them out long time ago... n my hermits all died on me liao... :(

  2. Fred,

    definitely not me.. coz i have yet to visit your place.. phew, if not, i might have been one of the suspects....:D

    as for the thought of them being eaten.. may i know what big predator fish or invertebrate u have inside??? <_<

    haha... i dun think u'd want any of my fish at all...

    the onli predator i've is the trigger i got from bawater on sun... but it doesn't really show any interest in the other fish leh...

  3. can't be.. i know them well enuff... they'll aways rush to me when i'm feeding them... but last nite no sign of them during feeding time. besides, the cardinal has it's own spot, it doesn't really move away much.

    suspect it mite be the trigger i juz got. but then again, the trigger doesn't seemed bother them at all for the first few days....

  4. Add 1 more place...

    They overflow into the overflow chamber!!! Check that place often!!!

    cldn't be cos i'm using a canister for filtration... i know them well, esp the cardinal.... it's aways 'stationed' at the same spot... but nw it's no longer there... sniff sniff....

  5. i dun mean that! dun just leave & hope ur water is good la deh!.

    i'm not using it- so dun take my word for it.

    u still have to tweak it so that u get a foam without too much of the water- the foam production level just below the collection cup abt 1".

    hmm.. ok... i'll go back n check it out tonite... thks!!!

  6. He quoted 45 for small and 60 for large... but I think many of the forumers could get better price.....

    45??? :o no way.... i dun mind if that's the correct price i shld be paying provided it doesn't die on me after getting it.... dan it's 45 bucks down my toilet bowl.... :P

  7. derf...oooooooh !! no wonder u wanted list! heh heh.

    chinatown stock not really very healthy leh!.not to mention pricy!

    u staying west- patricks@marinelife-heong leong.

    yup! hehe... bo pian... seldom go ard hunting for cheaper stuff like u guys... no time no transport... :(

    i onli go there cos it's near my work place.

    i used to go to patrick but it's not v convenient actually. i do get pretty good discounts fr him cos got abit of connection... hehe... will prolly go look for him one of these days...

  8. AT- they using the prism

    derf- wat u getting now is wet foam, which turns into a yellowish liquid. (note that it takes out a lot of tank water).

    what u need to try for is dry foam- that means it becomes a brown/dark brown residue in the collection cup. doesn't matter if it doesn't pull much out, its the same stuff only more concentrated.- maybe also means water quite good.

    my skimmer(although i not using prism)can go a whole week without collecting anything.


    so it means that i juz leave it as it is? hmm... my water quality's good... nw that's surprising.... :D

    but i do agree it draws out alot of water from my tank! :(

  9. Fred, i always knew that u have too much $$$ to spare.. hahaha.. now Tanzy, look for derf.. he is rich.. not me.. hahhaha.. what did u get that cost u lots...


    pls.. since when m i rich??? really broke nowadays... everything cost hell lots nw... besides, it's coming out of my own pocket nw... hehe....

    i bot my cardinal fr chinatown for $12!!!!!! :angry:

  10. Hi everyone! I've just started a new 50 gallon tank, and added a Red Sea Prizm skimmer onto it (Yah i know this isn't really a good piece of equipment, but i just couldnt get my hands on an Aqua C locally - buying thru the Net would mean double the price...sigh!)

    Hope u guys can help with some questions cause this is my FIRST experience with a skimmer...

    1. What should the level of the bubbles be at, cause I don't know how much water flow i should feed into the skimmer... Meaning; shld the bubbles be below the 'overflow' level (not going into the collection area)? Or shld they be overflowing slowly or quickly into the collection area?

    --If I let the bubbles flow into the collection area slowly, they fill up the area soon with water, which is unlike the gunk i see from other skimmers...and the output from the skimmer is simply FULL of micro-bubbles!

    --If I keep the bubble level in the skimmer way below the overflow point, the skimmer output has less but still visible micro-bubbles...in this setting the skimming isnt taking place right? (cause zero bubbles going into the collection cup...

    2. Are micro-bubbles harmful in any way towards fish/corals/inverts?

    3. If they are; how can i prevent my skimmer from releasing them? If not, can i use any method to 'filter' them off?

    Hope these questions are not too stoopid to ask, and appreciate it if u guys could help me out cause I'm a total noob...I just dont know what to set the skimmer at: Overflowing bubbles into cup with tons of micro-bubbles in the tank, or Zero cup collection with some micro-bubbles in the tank... SIGH!!!!


    hi there,

    i guess u hv the same problem as me... :( i juz got it not too long ago but stil dunno hw to adjust it to the correct flowrate. :unsure:

  11. i tried feeding it wif mysis but sumhw it doesn't eat much of it. maybe it's still new in my tank....

    the trigger ate wat??!! oh no!!! u sure it's gonna be safe wif my other fishes??? hehe... so far so good... it's a v active fish. keeps swimming ard my tank... doesn't really bother the other inhibitants....

  12. hi, i saw this product some time back.. and been wanting to try out.. but would like to know whether any souls out there have tried it and find that it is good? heard that it can remove nitrates.. true or not...

    if i 'm not wrong, it is called Eco-system.... available in petmart. abt $200 i think... ;)

    $200? u kidding me??? i tot it costs $750??? where was it that u saw? if it's really $200, i'll go grab it....

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