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Everything posted by sweetlips200278

  1. One big size fellow. Look at those crawls!
  2. Does one have to remove the remain from the tank?
  3. Didnt know hermit crab actually shred their body! I actually thought this small fellow have been attack and leftover on the sandbed!
  4. Is a beach anemone. if it can get the fish/shrimp in the tank then gd for it! By the way, is it a gd host for clown or anemone shrimp/crab?
  5. How does one diffentiate the type? Will this one remain colourless forever?
  6. Can one change partner for the boxer shrimp? will they be compatible after?
  7. Can anyone tell me what is this? snail?
  8. Wondering if different species don't get along? A flower crab on top of a blue-legged hermit crab. Showing its aggression?
  9. Is this called "hairy crab"? Anyone can help?
  10. Are they copepods eater? I have a banggai cardinal, observe that it keep on snapping on the aquarium wall, or sudden dash to snap on something in the water.
  11. How shall i do this? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maybe i should wait for another 10yrs! ha ha!
  12. A horseshoe crab about the size of 2~3inch.
  13. Does anyone have experience with this hof cum skimmer? Wondering how efficient the performance for a nano tank?
  14. Does aeration play a part in coral photosynthesis? If tank is introduce with light, sw and co2, with just coral in the tank...will the coral last?
  15. Do have some space constraint. Including Nano tank to be one of my choice. Noted on the width. Thks for pointing out, thks to the rest for their input.
  16. Beside 1ft, 2ft, 3ft, 4ft tanks...etc etc. It is common to find a tank of 2.5ft in the open market(resell or really-made in LFS). Or one have to custom made such tank? Dimension probably (2.5ft x 1ft x 1.5ft or 2.5ft x 1ft x 2ft). Thickness of 10mm.
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