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Everything posted by dodo

  1. errr....got wife oredy still can have gf mah
  2. oh my such a waste our 300th member is giving up hobby
  3. yeah might spawn and give birth to a new species of marine fish? Tang Angel
  4. err....sea shell also mus steal meh????kekeke..... did u try asking reborn for some empty shells b4?
  5. y not try the seaside to look for some abandon shells there might be plentiful of empty shells of all shapes & sizes...but questions is...whether they are safe to use?or how can we clean the interior part to get rid of possible parasites/worms tat might be hiding inside the shell
  6. i thk tis is a lovely scene well as long as they dun bite each other, i thk there isn't much to concern
  7. y dun u try running ard in your undies 1st b4 suggesting other pple ruuning ard in their undies
  8. assuming 3ftx2ftx2ft tank is 3/4 full wif no sand or LR....1ft~30cm...90cmx60cmx45cm full wif water....90x60x45/1000=243L liao where got 150L...to confirm my suspicion...i suggest u take the exact measurement(in cm) & calculate yourself...definitely more than 200L unless u tell me the tank is only half filled but i really suggest u test your water b4 adding any LS...ammonia/nitrite etc. LFS can always say wat they wan...be it true or not
  9. T-loan from any SAF storeroom but remember to repaint it RED!!!CNY coming had
  10. bacteria definitely all dead try cycling longer...2weeks are hardly enuf 4-6weeks...if u want faster cycling...try taking a bit mature sand/filter media from other's tank and seed your tank try not to follow the general rule for LR...it all depends on how you design your aquascaping... jus wondering...how come your tank is only 150L...3x2x2 usually goes above 250L
  11. jus interested to know...how much sea water u 'kng' home for each water change?
  12. I have seen people using egg crate and adhere to the glass wif silicon i thk tat's the best alternatives and the ONLY alternatives DIY i can think of
  13. i always dun have luck wif CS....LFS said mus wait for them to grow to a reasonable size oredy then we can put into the tank CS will eat MS and all kinds of food, incl pellets...they are schavengers(dunno is tis the correct spelling)...eat everything they can find in the tank Pairing.... :blink: M/F (look underneath) Hide under rocks...normal Lobster not reef safe i hardly thk so...mine still surviving in my reef....
  14. i dun believe tis crap... mus be *cough* *cough* something. even local security firm are very much surprised at the fact
  15. all 13 pcs reserved liao...
  16. isn't tis fish called neon damsel but if neon damsel = flash damsel...i apologise somethimes names of fish are confusing
  17. cheap lar... compare to some shops
  18. new damsel reserve 7 of them liao....anymore? if no more...all 13 will goes to him....btw...tis thing 1st come 1st serve hor...anyone fail to get it i pai seh dun feel offended
  19. wat if the apple decided to release toxin in the middle of the nite when u are in your slumber land? or doing something throw it away man after reading tis thread...u still wanna keep it?
  20. ooopppssss din notice there is swop section....AT if u deemed neccessary...pls moved tis to the appropriate section
  21. Hi, I used to own a Sander skimmer...bot alot of lime stone as a back up...in the end...got fed up wif it and throw away the PS so now the air stone still wif me.13 air-stones in all(short ones) Free lar...of no use to me...but would be glad if anyone interested trade for anything? jus j/k But really appreciate if u could collect it personally PM me for those who r interested Thks
  22. i thk tis is the best way to sound a warning to the LFS
  23. hey hey hey our new fren serious manz bot a H&S skimmer anyway...gd choice lar...may get one also if cannot get my Schuran
  24. the one below the big leather coral i guess his PH is a Eheim PH...flow rate 1000L/Hr
  25. No offence my 300th member, hawkfish is not the name for the person u are referring to...it's a ranking system given to each member for the # of post they made...look further up and u will find the person Nicks there
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