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Posts posted by bergkamp28

  1. hi bros...

    my unfortunate fishes had a sudden outbreak of white spots.... 2 frogfishes already gone.... had moved all the remaining fishes (mainly lionfishes) to the quarantine tank for treatment...

    the problem is now there is only an eel in my main tank.... and do i need to do any form of treatment or medication to the main tank?? in order to kill off the remaining parasites that may be still in the tank??

    *touchwood* if i really need to restock my main tank... wat do i need to do before adding in new fishes?? is a 100% water change necessary??


  2. just wanna know wat u guys will do..... :D

    if u see some fishes in your tank having white spots....

    will u take out the fish immediately to quarantine tank??? and wat will u do if u dont have one???

    and if u come home one day and find that most of yr fishes are developing white spots... what will u do???

    just something i thought abt last nite... :rolleyes:

  3. Hi all....

    having a bit problem now with my Zebra Moray eel.....

    have been feeding it market prawn... for the first few days.. it ate...(i had to use a pincer to bring the prawn meat to its face)

    but abt 5 days ago.... it accidentally bite the pincer and had a shock... and from then on.. refuse to eat....

    i have to use a pincer as its always hiding in the rocks.... and food thrown in are always eaten up by the lion fishes and frog fish....

    other than market prawn, what else does it eat??? and how to feed it other than using pincers??

    any eel keepers here advise???? thanks


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