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Posts posted by huntingforfish

  1. if there is a general rule of one pound of LR per US gallon does it mean that more live rocks will speed up the cycling process??

    I am quite new into this as well.. so i had to ask this. i am currently cycling my tank with 2 pieces of dead rocks will that be a problem in the cycling process? will more live rocks speed up the process?

    Dont add too much live rock, also dead rocks won't help to cycle your tank. u need bacteria to kickstart the cycling process, which you get from the live rock. mix in dead rock and live rock and over time (can take mths) the dead rock will become live.
  2. sun corals don't depend on light for food, so should be ok. But must be prepared to feed them regularly.

    mandarins need a good supply of pods, so cannot put in fishes that compete with them for this food (ie wrasses). make sure tank is mature enough (websites recommend at least 1 year) so that there are enough pods. Best is have a refugium connected to tank so pods have safe place to breed.

    alternately you can also go looking around for mandarins that are trained to eat prepared foods.

    Easier gobies would be the watchman gobies, firefish.

  3. hi those look like azure damsels rather than yellow tails.

    blue tangs prob need more space (but prob can get small specimen and upgrade tank later) watch out for aggression from damsels. blue tangs get big, maybe consider a smaller tang like zebrasoma or bristletooth genus? ie. yellow, scopas or kole tang?

    harlequin shrimps need special diet (starfishes) so must be prepared to feed these regularly.

    tuxedo urchin good for this size tank.

    clowns stick to smaller species rather than maroon or tomato as these can get quite large.

    your lighting prob can keep mushrooms and zoas. (place them higher up if you see them reaching for light) other more demanding corals (lps) i not too sure.

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