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Posts posted by patricklhc

  1. To me I feel that fowlr tank are tougher to upkeep. Any simple ich outbreak can wipe out the entire tank. As compared to reef tank aefw for example do allow u to have some times to address it. So there really isn't anything disgrace whatsoever keeping a fowlr. Infact I have been asking my friends for help and advise when I have ich and velvet issue. There's always something corals keeper and fishes only keeper can learn from each other. Both are master in their own strength

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. It's always a big challenge keeping angelfish and AT battling with dieases.

    Try soaking your frozen and pallet food with the multi vitamin from lck next time, I find it really helps in building the immune system of new and old fishes.

    The brown powder ? I go get it and try. it's stressful to see fishes like that but can't do anything about it except to increase feeding frequency and pray that their immune system will be able to fight off

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Added a mini queen angel https://vimeo.com/133202654

    Sad that it was lost to velvet. Fish came healthy and was in the tank feeding on algae seaweed pallets mysis. Things change after I added a AT 4days is all it takes to follow by mini queen.

    Wonder who's next in line now. Looks like katoi is affected now

    Current fish headcount

    5dispar anthias

    2 foxface

    1 melanurus wrasse

    1 yellow bellied wrasse

    1 mystery wrasse

    1 mccosker wrasse

    1 katoi wrasse

    1 bicolor angel

    1 starry blenny

    1 blue accessor

    1 flame hawk

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. I like your rock scape..

    Thank u bro. There was a minor collapse in between the rock that links the 2 together haha I'm very bad with using eproxy so most of the rocks are just stack together

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Hi pat....v nice setup!! this is a better tank compared to your 321 whereby you can have more fun in scaping + varieties of sps..............

    Haha there will never be enough "property" space

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. hi pat, camping here for pics!!!!

    Yes Pat, more pics


    you have missed out a lot of details!

    Keep the pics coming.

    Wah i like your scape bro! Keep the updates coming!!

    Thank u all :)

    Reddevil I'm not a very detail person lol so it's normal I miss out details everywhere

    Tofubox those scape no more already. The one and only good reason for shallow tank is the top down view but it's too troublesome and I can't have too much variety of sps u

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