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Posts posted by Gouldian

  1. I apologize for not being clear with my intentions.

    I meant to say those Calcium, Mg, St, kh, and other trace elements - will these deplete over time? if it does, is it significant? if it doesn't, is such saltmix kept overtime develop any negative conditions to the water?

    The scenario as, using tap water for saltmix. (added with prime). After WC, the remaining of the drum kept for the next WC or top up.

    Most trace will not depletes by itself if kept in a clean and dark container. However, if there is significant die-off on bacteria, protozoan and algae, it may cause kH to drop but this should not be the case if you are using reasonably clean water to mix your salt.

  2. how about self mix saltwater kept in drums/jerrycan? will the nutrients deplete overtime, say a week.

    It depends what water you use to begin with and also what nutrients you trying to deplete. Not all dissolved organics can be broken down within a time acceptable to us, especially in a container with limited natural occurring decomposers.

  3. that clears up the mist.

    i have a large koi pond actually, was wondering if i could use the water from there to top up instead of buying RO/DI water.

    but since koi ponds can be considered aged freshwater? there will still be trances of silicates, phosphates and other dissolved organics?

    Yes, they will contain high silicate, phosphate, nitrate and dissolved organics.

    You can do a simple test by using a TDS pen, reefers who using RO/DI will change their RO/DI resin when the TDS start to climb above 8. If you use the TDS pen on your tap water, the reading will be usually range from 18-35. And pond water can sometime be 35 and above.

  4. sorry to hijack, I always tot pure drinking water is referring to distiller water . Eg ntuc pure drinking water. Been using ntuc pure drinking water for water top up and change

    Pure drinking water sometimes will have some salt added to make it palatable and add electrolytes. Also these water may be just boiled and pass through a carbon filter thus is not suitable for our usage.

  5. Technically salts and minerals will not be evaporated and thus, your salinity will in fact increase as water evaporate. Thus it is prudent to top up with fresh water.

    The reason why we top up with RO/DI or distilled water is because tap water contains chlorine, chloramines, silicates, phosphate and other dissolve organics.

    Aged freshwater is used by some because they wanted to let the chlorine dissipates from water. However, aging water does not remove the rest of the above mentioned thus I prefer to top up with RO/DI or distilled water.

    You can get distilled water from super market, just make sure its "Distilled" and not "Mineral Water" or "Pure Drinking Water".

    If you are concern with depleting minerals, 1st choose a good salt-mix for water change and measure the Big 3 (Ca, Mg, KH) after the water change and top up accordingly.

    Hope that helps. ;)

  6. Bro, it is advisable to include carbon when running ozone as carbon will adsorb remnants ozone in your system. Also placing carbon on top of your skimmer collection cup will also remove the smell from ozone reacting with the skimmate. ;)

  7. Since humans are responsible for much of the damage to coral reefs, it makes sense that we should try and help repair them. That’s exactly what a team from the Herriot-Watt University’s Centre for Marine Biodiversity and Biotechnology is attempting to do with the development of underwater Coralbots.

    Now anyone can add their support to this worthy effort with the launch of a Kickstarter campaign that will help make the robots a reality.

    Please check out this link and pledge your supports - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/376482095/coral-bots-teams-of-robots-that-repair-coral-reefs?ref=live

  8. Gouldian, Your dc waveline kapoop under warranty? How old was it. Sent from my Android using Tapatalk2


    • Bought around Nov 12, kapoop Mar 13.
    • Power supply unit and controller working but pump just could not run.
    • I ruled out debris getting caught on impellor as I have 2 screens prior to inlet of pump.
    • Now waiting for 1 to 1 exchange
  9. I tried it recently as my waveline kapoop.

    Same molding as the waveline just without the stainless steel screws for the outer casing. I believe Reef Octopus may have also requested for the OEM manufacturer to twitch the pump performance slightly as according to specs the waveline does 10k while the Diablo 10.5k.

    AM's Skimz DC pump also looks very similar and priced closely.

    With similar products available in the market, the issue that most reefers should look into will be the after-sales support.

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