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Posts posted by jaspersebastianong

  1. Yeah. Ichs are a pain. That's the way to go Bro. Removing your fishes. Not a fan of hypo. Especially if the corals are in. Try your best to quarantine your fishes man. Can be a little troublesome but worth it in the long. :) 0 One more thing. Anything used with copper can't be used with corals. Don't let anything that touch copper come close to your DT. Cheers

  2. Yeah. Ichs are a pain. That's the way to go Bro. Removing your fishes. Not a fan of hypo. Especially if the corals are in. Try your best to quarantine your fishes man. Can be a little troublesome but worth it in the long. :) One more thing. Anything used with copper can't be used with corals. Don't let anything that touch copper come close to your DT. Cheers

  3. Hi guys,

    I can't seem to find it here.

    Anyone can help?

    Where in Singapore can I find DIN PN16 pipes.

    My ap600 uses this as return. But I can't seem to find! :(

    Really appreciate all your help guys! :D



  4. Haha. Ya Bro. Agreed. But just went for an shoulder opp. Hence the time to get this hobby back on track. :) easier and quicker to get a pvc cutter. Alright! Sweet. I can do with 2 reds. :) Thanks so much for your help! :D But anyone wants me to take it off their hands? :) If not I will go get one myself soon. :)

  5. Hi guys!

    Anyone know where I can get a pvc cutter.

    or anyone is selling, lend or give me ;)

    I am new here. Pardon me for any mistakes. :)

    I am doing up my plumbing for my entire set up so I think i really need one. :)

    I am quite big on DIY. Really looking forward to talking to u guys here. :)


  6. Hi guys,

    ya it would be really nice for FOWLR!

    But i am really in this for all the beautiful corals!! ;)

    ya. really depends on what i want right?

    ya i would love to see other reefers tank specs. but any idea where i can go looking fo them? :)

    but i guess 1.5-2 ft is a good height?

    i want this system to be as easy to maintain as possible with the equ i have.

    can LED reach down say 2.5 ft of water?

    or only metal halides would be able to do the job?

    thanks so much guys for ypur repllies!!




  7. Hi Guys! :D

    Was thinking of having a black PVC overflow.

    Was thinking of painting the PVC with reef safe paint.

    Have anyone tried it?

    Or does anyone here have used any reef safe Black PVC pipes?

    If so, any complaints and where can i get them?

    Was thinking 4-5 inches. :)

    Really appreciate if yo guys can help! :thumbsup:



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