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Posts posted by Dreams

  1. I use tapwater.. sometimes just can't find the time.. but I do 5% everytime only. So far, my corals doing ok. If can, use ro di better.

    Used to use tap water for wc but algae grow like nobody business. Now use life brand + dd salt  :thumbsup:

    using tap water from the first day i start reefing


    imo nuisance algae is a myth, but i need to clean glass every 3 days


    only real issue is cant bring out some sps color

    Any things added into tap water before doing a WC?

  2. Bacteria dosing need strong skimmer. I change water with salt and di water. That's how the hobby is? If not? All method take time. Except water change . Instant change in parameter

    Means if i do a 50% wc im gonna use up alot of salt right? Wow that's gonna cost quite alot for 50% of the water for WC.

  3. Bro dream, how many fish you have in your current tank. What skimmer are you using? How much do you feed your fish?

    Method to bring down no3:

    Bio pellet & bacteria dosing

    Bacteria & vodka dosing

    Fastest way water change 50% if worry salt use up too fast can purchase sea water from LCK, iwarna, ah beng. $2 for 20L.

    Which is the fastest way to lower them without doing WC? What type of bacteria must i dose?

  4. Maybe your nitrate start with 100ppm. Changing 30% with salt and di water will lower it to 70ppm. If u change with tapwater, it will always be about 70ppm. U can do small water change to lower down the nitrate. There are a lot of method u can employ Algae scrubber Biopellet Upgrade skimmer Plants But I guess water change is the only one suitable for u

    Do i do a WC with di water with salt or what? If i keep doing di water with salt then it's gonna used up alot of my salt..

  5. doesnt look good. quickly remove it when you still can see this.

    seems like nudi or some sort of slug? i dunno.. but definitely doesnt look friendly.

    Looks like a compressed bristle worm? Or a sea cucumher

    It's moving slowly in my tank, not going into the rocks.. Will it be harmful to fishes or corals?

  6. Hi guys,

    Been almost 3 week of my cycling dosing bacteria everyday to consume ammonia and nitrites. Tested water param just now, Ammonia is 2mg/l , nitrite is 0 i guess.. (water in testtube is clear but abit yellowish). So i tested for nitrate today with API test kit. The reading was 160mg/l. Super high. What should I do to reduce the nitrate? Once the nitrate is around 30-40mg/l and ammonia and nitrite - 0 , I can add some LS in already right? Btw my nitrite was dark purple few days ago.. suddenly dropped to 0 after not testing it for a few days. Is it normal or something went wrong?

    Pls advise me as I'm still new to this. thanks :)

  7. What does your tank "look" like? I cycled for six weeks before I added my first two nemos. There was a HUGE brown diatom bloom that covered EVERYTHING inside the tank. The reason was because of MASS DIE-OFF inside the LR, which led to the bloom 1-2 weeks later. You could hand remove sheets of this stuff! But don't! Diatoms are a symptom not cause and are helping consume nutrients in the water.

    If you added wild LR, chances are that you will soon have a diatom bloom. Once the bloom subsides ON ITS OWN - then it's probably time to add a FEW fish. Keep in mind, your tank is never fully "cycled." The bacteria population of a stable, 2-nemo tank is different from a stable, 20-nemo tank regardless of water volume. If you add bio-load or nutrients (dead animals, too much food, etc), your tank will "mini-cycle" and grow more bacteria until it stabilizes.

    My tank had been cycling for about 3 weeks now. The 2 of my LR now became very dark brown. And one of them has lots of white and greeny things growing on it..

  8. I cannot tell you by doing that, it will remove 100% of impurities... But will definitely help... Some impurites will bound to be present in your system, its just a matter of where it comes from and how much it is, for example, some liverocks do leach silicates and phophates. So what we are doing us just trying to get the unwanted stuffs down to a manageable quantity... Try not to meddle to much at this point. Let nature takes its course...

    Alright thanks, do i have to top up any di water atm cos it's the 2nd week of cycling and quite alot of water had been evaporated..

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