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Status Updates posted by 23263_1438712956

  1. Dope and Bling AF!! @superplasticy #JANKY https://t.co/kjrYeRSDGA

  2. @Soembie Have a look at POC. Comfortable and sexy as hell. https://t.co/RrUyysN2sp

  3. @MattOrdish I don't think Klopp is going for De Vrij. Lovren seems to be pairing well with VVd. And swap Ox with Se… https://t.co/AQqVqvEg2m

  4. @TheKopHQ FSG has bought VVD, Salah, Mane, Ox, Gini and Keita. To say that they are not willing to spend is just pl… https://t.co/DIPGbMCXpj

  5. @MattOrdish @MattOrdish Probably because he was sick and Klopp knew he had to sub him out sooner or later.

  6. @Ian_Rush9 Happy Birthday Rushie!

  7. @MPLAY_Wizzo Support agreed to refund me. Would loved to stayed on but imagine having only 12 hrs uptime since 1st April. Thks for the reply

  8. @EvilGeniuses @Peterpandam Gee Gee WP

  9. Pluton - Free Single Page Bootstrap Html Template https://t.co/dkTijy1Duy

  10. @FrancisChoo2 who is FrancisChoo1 then?

  11. @Ian_Rush9 Finally met my all time fav player n his autograph on this figurine that's with me for 20 yrs!Thx Rushie! https://t.co/6C1Opkp5Jg

  12. @CLEMENTINATOR never thpught i will say this but @PieLieDieDota was the most gucci in the last game.

  13. @littlekonflake wtf is that?

  14. @Cyborgmatt any chance you guys will be doing an autograph session outside nanyang.gg? My missus is a big fan of @CLEMENTINATOR since TI1.

  15. @Totalbiscuit Stay strong dude and thrash that crap out of your system!

  16. @Robbie9Fowler @MCATEER4 Book name should be "The man Jenna Jameson followed" #mcateerbooknames

  17. @AnfieldMatt Have you watched Mr. Robot?

  18. @AnfieldMatt and how much was Luke Shaw again?

  19. @iceiceicedota hope you are heading to Europe to join a "secret" team! @TeamSecretDOTA2

  20. @SumaaaaiL Nice 322. Really was a fantastic sumail throw, opps's I mean show. Hope to see it again for your next match.

  21. @AnfieldMatt I'm sure Lacazette can do the same. Which will you pick?

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