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Everything posted by dreamscape

  1. Wanted to keep seahorse. Will be a species tank. Planted seahorse tank. Hence temp shld preferably be kept below 25
  2. Recently I built a new tank from Iwarna. They proposed a double glaze viewing glass so as to better manage the temp of the water in the tank. Will cost an extra $120 but I did not go for it.
  3. Thanks for your suggestion w3ish3ng. My tank is at the balcony so not possible to aircon. Maybe use a humidifier if I wanted to stay at 25 or even bring it lower
  4. Mine is 12mm thick. Will start sweating at 25 degree. when I adjust my chiller to 26 degree the sweating stop. Wonder whether there is any effective way to stop the sweating and still keep chiller at 25 degree
  5. use a baby bottle brush to brush the gha off the zoa. Got this tip from a zoa shufu, baby bottle brush is soft and will not hurt the zoa. I have been doing that and it works. after brushing the zoa will open up better.
  6. I had a flamboyant cuttlefish sometime back. Kept it for 6 months on fresh water shrimp. Got the shrimp fr 328 fish shop. Got constant supply there. Problem is need to make sure cuttlefish eat the shrimp soon after u throw the shrimp in else it will die soon after. My cuttlefish cannot swim after fast swimming shrimp hence need to injure the shrimp first so that it will stay in front of the cuttle fish long enough for its sting to shoot out and strike. Watching it catch it's prey is a joy to me. Unfortunately it died after starving for 5 days when I was out of country. No one know how to feed it except me. That's the problem with the feeding requirement of this sea creature
  7. Aquarist Chamber has a small speaker size chiller for cooling 10g nano. Go check it out
  8. Thanks Markymarcus Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  9. pic of my tank Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  10. Hi, I am triton user since Jan 2014. Did a posting in another triton systems thread earlier on my experience so far. My tank is 400l. Currently dosing 80ml per solution daily. Corals r growing well so far. Started with 30 ml dosing gradually increasing to 80 ml in order to stabilise kh to 9dkh Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  11. Glad to know there is thread on Triton. I am a user since Dec 2013. Learn about this method from Iwarna when I was planning my new tank. My tank size is 3 x 2.5 x 2 ft with a water capacity of about 400l. Decide to try since is a new set up. Was also attracted to the prospect of no or minimal water change and fuss free automated dosing. Iwarna had helped with the dosing setup and guided me well during the initial stage till now. During the initial stage especially when the tank was new and life stock was still low, you will experiemce some fluctuation in yr water KH. For me it went up close to 10 when my tank was still quite empty with a starting dose of 30 ml per solution. The recommend initial dose is 10ml per 100 l. However with more LPS and SPS being added over the last few months, I notice the KH started to drop v quickly to below 8. Even after I increase the dosage to 80 ml per solution , KH continue to drop to the lowest point of 7.24. However I do notice that my sps are growing noticeably fast. This may be one of the reason for the drop in kh. The other contribution to my low kh maybe due to my low Mg level. Recently I had dosed both Mg and CO3 base element so as to bring those parameter back to recommended range. The good outcome so far from using the solution are good coral growth and colour and I also do not need to change water. The only time I did a 15% water change was after I dose detox into my tank. Detox dosing is recommended becos of the heavy metal detected from my water analysis. As this is my first water analysis , the report has also indicated several of the other elements are low. Bi, Sr, I, Li, Ni are some of them. I am planning to individually those elements as recommended in triton water correction sheet. So far I am quite happy with the outcome of using this method. Will be interested to hear from the other triton user and learn from their experiences.
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