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Everything posted by schnitzer44

  1. Fishes 1) Blue Tang approx 3.5 inches - $20 Reserved by 0801 2) Sailfin Tang approx 3 inches - $25 $20 3) Leopard wrasse Male approx 2.5-3 inches - $40 Reserved by 0801 4) True Percula approx 1.5 inch - $15 Reserved by 0801 5) False clown approx 2.5 inches - $5 6) UFO sea urchin approx 2.5inch diameter fellow - $10 7) Sea cucumber approx 3-3.5 inch - $10 8) Abalone approx 3-4 inch - $10 9) Marine Betta - $10 Reserved and pending collection by 7776 10) Coris - $10 Reserved by 5882 11) Sand star - $5 for two (Package Sea cucumber/Abalone/sand star/UFO sea urchin @ $30) Corals 1) Orange rhondatics approx 2.5 inch and 1.5 inch when open - $100 for the whole rock of 2 Reserved and pending collection 9034 2) Green mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 $10 for whole rock 3) Purplish mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 $10 for whole rock 4) PPE zoas rock of approx 20 polyps - $35 Reserved by 0801 5) RBTA - $15 each Reserved by 0801 and 2589 Rocks Approx 40-50kg of live and dead rocks - Offer me a reasonable price Equipments 1) Artica 1/4 chiller approx 3-4yrs old - On Hold 2) RW 4 wavemaker approx 6-8mths of usage from brand new - On Hold 3) WP25 wavemaker approx 1 yr from brand new - On Hold Reserved by 8268xxxx 4) Deltec SC 1350 skimmer approx 1yr from brand new - $250 5) Dymax 9w UV filter with Dymax pump - $20 6) ATO glass Tank with lid 16inch x 16inch x 4inch - On Hold Reserved by 1238 7) AI Hydra with Director - On Hold Reserved and collection on hold by 3033 8) AI controller - $50 $40 9) Reflectometer - $20 10) FR (similiar size to TLF) - $10 (FOC with any equipment purchase) 11) ZERO 3 stage DI unit - $90 Reserved by 0042
  2. Clearing RBTA x 2 pcs at $15 each. Open to palm size minus fingers. Foc false clown with any rbta purchase. Collection on tuesday.
  3. Fishes 1) Blue Tang approx 3.5 inches - $20 Reserved by 0801 2) Sailfin Tang approx 3 inches - $25 3) Leopard wrasse Male approx 2.5-3 inches - $40 Reserved by 0801 4) True Percula approx 1.5 inch - $15 Reserved by 0801 5) False clown approx 2.5 inches - $5 6) UFO sea urchin approx 2.5inch diameter fellow - $10 7) Sea cucumber approx 3-3.5 inch - $10 8) Abalone approx 3-4 inch - $10 9) Marine Betta - $10 Reserved and pending collection by 7776 10) Coris - $10 Reserved by 5882 Corals 1) Orange rhondatics approx 2.5 inch and 1.5 inch when open - $100 for the whole rock of 2 Reserved and pending collection 9034 2) Green mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 $10 for whole rock 3) Purplish mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 $10 for whole rock 4) PPE zoas rock of approx 20 polyps - $35 Reserved by 0801 Rocks Approx 40-50kg of live and dead rocks - Offer me a reasonable price Equipments 1) Artica 1/4 chiller approx 3-4yrs old - On Hold 2) RW 4 wavemaker approx 6-8mths of usage from brand new - On Hold 3) WP25 wavemaker approx 1 yr from brand new - On Hold Reserved by 8268xxxx 4) Deltec SC 1350 skimmer approx 1yr from brand new - On Hold 5) Dymax 9w UV filter with Dymax pump - On Hold 6) ATO glass Tank with lid 16inch x 16inch x 4inch - On Hold Reserved by 1238 7) AI Hydra with Director - On Hold Reserved and collection on hold by 3033 8) AI controller - $50 9) Reflectometer - $20 10) FR (similiar size to TLF) - $10 11) ZERO 3 stage DI unit - $90
  4. The rest of the items i do have a lot of queries but until someone confirm collection date if not it will be still open.
  5. Hey guys..thanks for the support. My inbox is kinda flooded and i happen to be on and urgent assignment in malaysia. Let me reply slowly to every one of u guys. No reply today dun mean sold. My connection is a little unstable so ya will try my best. thanks!
  6. Realised i missed out another two fishes ... Coris approx 3 inches - $10 @ (2 of them) Photo below is taken off the web as most of the time i see them hiding in the sand.
  7. I forgot to put in another fish for sale. Marine Betta approx 3 inch - $10 or foc with any other purchase
  8. To add, All fishes are feeding on Pellets and mysis. Reef roids once a week for all else.
  9. Decomming my tank in the next one week. Please note that there is nothing fancy nothing exotic but just pure normal fishes. Collect at my convenience at Holland Village area. Fishes 1) Blue Tang approx 3.5 inches - $20 2) Sailfin Tang approx 3 inches - $25 3) Leopard wrasse Male approx 2.5-3 inches - $40 4) True Percula approx 1.5 inch - $15 5) False clown approx 2.5 inches - $5 Buy 2 numbers of 3inch size RBTA and FOC item 5 and 6 package at $50. 6) UFO sea urchin approx 2.5inch diameter fellow - $10 7) Sea cucumber approx 3-3.5 inch - $10 8) Abalone approx 4-5 inch - $15 Corals 1) Orange rhondatics approx 2.5 inch and 1.5 inch when open - $100 for the whole rock of 2 2) Green mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 for whole rock 3) Purplish mushroom approx 3-4 flower per rock - $15 for whole rock 4) PPE zoas rock of approx 20 polyps - $35 Rocks Approx 40-50kg of live and dead rocks - Offer me a reasonable price Equipments 1) Artica 1/4 chiller approx 3-4yrs old - On Hold 2) RW 4 wavemaker approx 6-8mths of usage from brand new - On Hold 3) WP25 wavemaker approx 1 yr from brand new - On Hold 4) Deltec SC 1350 skimmer approx 1yr from brand new - On Hold 5) Dymax 9w UV filter with Dymax pump - On Hold 6) ATO glass Tank with lid 16inch x 16inch x 4inch - On Hold 7) AI Hydra with Director - On Hold 8) AI controller - $50 9) Reflector - On hold 10) FR (similiar size to TLF) - On Hold 11) 3 stage DI unit - On Hold Please note that i will only start selling all equipments upon clearing of fishes and corals. Interested buyers can state interest and once livestocks are cleared, you be the first to get it. Low ballers and Pilots not welcomed. Again, my livestocks are not the most special nor the most exotic and are priced to clear. Buy the whole chunk and we can work out a good price. PM please. Thanks.
  10. All reasonable offers or barter tradr entertained. urgently need to clear space. sms:90100340
  11. Take all at $50 or best offer. Need to clear space. sms 90100340. Tks
  12. Got it from a reefer some months back and have never got the chance to use it. 3 x MH light set 1 lot of used but still usable bulbs 4 x ballast (1 is a double and rest are single) 1 or 2 ballast not working well.. sold as it is, no refund, no complaints entertained. asking $70 for whole lot. Collection at Safra Mount Faber.
  13. All sold and collected. Tks SRC! Mods, kindly close thread
  14. Sorry to those bros and sis whom pm me but got no reply. Was a little overwhelmed by messages. Here is an update: Biosphere sold Coral gum sold Bubble magus pending collection Light pending collection Mp10 pending collection Uv filter/dymax pump pending collection 1 stage filter buyer backed out... Whoever needs a replacement canister for the 3/5 stages will be a direct fit.
  15. Additional item: 8) Vortech MP10 wes. Selling $200 neg.
  16. Bio sphere reserved by 9xxx 1101. Collection wed.
  17. Yes bro, pm me ur contact and when u like to collect and it will be reserved for u. Tks
  18. Hey folks, got some extra items that need to go. Some used some pre owned. This is not a decomm sale and things may not be the cheapest but definitely cheaper than LfS. If anyone is interested and happened to be near me, it may just suit u. 1) Biosphere 1000ml, used a few nuggets only.come with new netting bag. Selling $55 nett. 2) bubble magus 3 channel dosing pump. Pre owned and well taken care of. Outlook is 7/10, condition 8/10. Selling $80 nett 3) 1 stage DI filter. Bought from Madpetz and used for a couple of months before changing tank/3 stage filter. Sell $20 4) Dymax UV filter. Bought from Beng for $68 and never used as previous tank was too small to use. Selling $50 5) Dymax PH1200 pump to work with the above filter.Brand new unused. Bought from C328 for $22. Selling $18 Alternatively get both 4 & 5 for $60. 6) 2ft Rainbow brand (T5 or T8 not sure) for $10 nett 7) Coral gum x 3 (bought from bro Ezman), Selling $6 each.Take all 3 for $15. Collection at SAFRA Mt Faber during working hours or Holland V area after working hours. Pm me.
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