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Everything posted by mohamed

  1. Hei brudder Moh@wk, Lu hilang timbul, hilang timbul.......tahu-tahu nak default orang pulak. Gua tenggelam kan lu dalam lu punya tank lu baru tau. Gua dapat info dari Iwarna, lu beli dia punya majestic ke apa? Lu jaga-jaga sikit gua punya sources banyak kat LFS. Nanti gua kasi satu signal, semua stop jual ls kat lu.......hehehehehhe................
  2. Kehadapan adik copperband, Jikalau anda berminat sangat nak join SPF, apply di halaman website :www.spf.gov.sg. Sila sediakan butir-butir keterangan anda online. Anda akan dihubungi melalui e-mail atau post jika di pilih kelak. Amacam, gau punya Melayu, ok tak? Macam tulis sajak pulak. PS : There is no chance of choosing which force you will be enlisted to for NS. It all depends on Mindef. They have a set of criterias to do the selection, meaning the allocation of NSFs for the 3 forces ie SAF, SPF & SCDF. A bulk of them will be recruited to SAF. But if you really want to join SPF, then sign-on as a regular with a 5 yrs bond(inclusive of NS). Best of luck !
  3. Butterfly susah sikit lah brudder. Gua punya experience dgn butterfly semua tak memuaskan. Makan coarls, jaga-jaga. Lu boleh kasi dia makan mysis. Tapi it is definitely not a reef safe fish. Beware...............
  4. Alamak, brudder. Lu sua bernyawa balik ke apa........ Gua ingat lu tenggelam dalam tank. Amacam lu punya tank dah siap ke belum?
  5. You are saying to comapre quotes, right. Currently, do you have any idea which co. gives the best rate. NTUC?
  6. Hi Guys, Need your valuable inputs. Do you know which co. gives the best car insurance premium? Tks.
  7. semalam gua bawak family gua,bapak,mak,adik gua dengan bini dengan anak anak dia gi makan swensen kat airport....konon gua nak belanje makanlah. sampai sana dia orang join tiga meja lah. betol punya seronok lah pasal dah lama tak get together makan bersama.... lepas makan, bila nak bayar bill,gua terkejut berok! sekali kene $200....itu pun after airport staff discount tapi yg penting semuanya happy,gua pun happylah....
  8. Bro, Dun anyhow assume. Wun know if you dun ask? His tank is 3 by 2 by 2.5. Jack, I can't exactly remember. I think it's $260 each. But i suggest you get a bigger rated pump. Cause it's not presurated and your cabinet height is quite high. The flow loss is quite significant.
  9. Itu yg sebaik-baiknya. Kan dah aku kata, kita minority, jadi nak pandai bawa diri. Kita kat sini pun pasal kacang punya forum. Takde forum, takde lah kita semua betul tak? Jadi kita ambil apa yg boleh pelajari. Curi skill. Lepas tu pandai-pandai lah beb.............. Din, gua tahu perasaan lu. Mana-mana pun sama. Kalau lu bersedih lagi, mari kita pegi lfs........amacam.
  10. How big is your tank? I'm currently using 2 OR3500 for 4by2by2.5 and the flow is still insufficient after all the head loss.
  11. Bro, Lu punya kerja betul-betul punya secretive ke apa? Lu kerja gali kupang ke apa? Kalau profession tak kasi tahu tak apa, add, contact no dan nama sebenar kasi kat chip kitalah. Tak kan nak panggil lu jackal aje......salah-salah terpanggil jack ###### nanti lagi susah. Tak kenal maka tak cinta beb. Ini hobby tak boleh sorang-sorang, lagi ramai lagi bagus. Sorang-sorang, lama-lama mati dalam tank pun takde orang tahu.....
  12. Bro, Lu punya particulars kasi kat kita punya chip kadam aka Archilles19. Nanti kita organise satu outing, boleh include semua. There were a few done before at Jln Kayu. Archilles(Din), Gua ingat kita bikin lagi satu amacam? Friday, 22-Apr-05 @ 0800, amacam?
  13. Tks for being understanding. Just a suggestion, why dun you start a Hokkien thread. Maybe I can join. "Wa esai kong liau" Cheers
  14. Bro, I think we got the msg already from another reefer, reefbum. The thing is that we sometimes would like to converse in Malay as we do in English. I believe if the keyboard wld permit other races to write in their languanges, they wld do so also. As mentioned before, we do contribute to the other threads as well therefore there is no question of isolation.
  15. Oi Jackal, U don't talk much wait u tak bus or walk to fish farm. Don't bite the hand that feeds. My tank like Man Utd this season suffer from severe diabetes. Wah, brudder, Lu bikin direct translation ke apa? Nasib baik lu tulis "don't bite the hand that feeds" Gua ingat lu nak tulis " like peanut forgotten the skin" Hehehe
  16. Hai celakak lu Din, dalam baik gua kena mangkuk. Exam pun dah habis. Tinggal satu paper lagi aje...... Hermie, Kaki gatal, Kita semua bleh tolong, tapi kalau buah yang gatal, lu suruh Din tolong pun ok.........he.he.he......
  17. Betul lu cakap Din. Kita minority. Umpama mentinum, dilanggar pun garis terlanggar pun garis. Amacam gua punya falsampah.... Tapi satu mesti ingat, kalau kita stick together, kita mesti ok.... Jangan gaduh-gaduh, tak bagus, dosa.
  18. Amacam, braderz...... Ini macam bagus. Kita unite jadi satu reeferz clan.
  19. Hey Bro, I see you got your cheeks kissed by beatiful chicks. Having a good time ya...............
  20. Hi Bros, Got the above for sale. Good for new and small set-up. taking up the extra space at home. State your price. Thxs.
  21. Singapore's loan shark industry openly backed the proposal to build a casino yesterday, saying it would contribute greatly to their growth. Association of Hardship Loan Operators and Neighbourhood Gangsters (AHLONG) spokesman Dr. Chao Ah Beng told the Ministry of Finance today that the loan shark industry would benefit tremendously from the setting up of a casino. "We know the Gahmen say the casino will bring in tax revenue, lah, employ people lah, bring in money that is lost to Genting Highlands and casino cruises, lah, all that sort of thing," said Dr. Chao, "But it din'ch realize the casino will also boost our industry, which is another good reason for setting it up." Dr. Chao, who lectures in money-laundering and grievous bodily harm at Hoot U, the Geylang-based tertiary institution for bengs and lians, said the casino would enable the loan shark industry to diversify and upgrade its existing line of products. "Last time, we all lend people money to pay off their gambling debts," he explained. "Now, with the casino, we can also offer them high interest loans to afford to pay the entry fee to get into the casino in the first place." Dr. Chao also predicted a rise in their traditional service of debt recovery. "I would definitely invest in pork futures. With more gamblers, it makes sense that there will be more debtors, and a corresponding surge in demand for pig's heads." Dr. Chao, who also pens an occasional advice column for Talking****.com, also announced that Hoot U hopes to sign a memorandum of understanding with the proposed casino. "The casino sure need bouncers to keep the riff-raff out, ah lians to attract the high rollers, heavies to hoot cheaterbugs, that sort of thing, and Hoot U is the region's premier producer for manpower in these sectors. So we hope to establish an internship on-the-job-training programme." In other casino-related news, legendary Las Vegas casino operator Harrah's has announced that it will be changing its name to "Harry's" in order to improve its bidding prospects for the Singapore project.
  22. Din, Lu buka baru punya thread pun cantik. The return of the Malay Reefers ke, Air Masin United ke jangan lu letak air kencing masin sudah lah.........
  23. Yo, bradezs. Amacam semua? Lama tak dengar. Itu yang suicide memang takde fikiran punya. Dia orang senang brader, dah judi, tak boleh bayar, bunuh diri..... habis cerita. Mana ada hukum punya orang. Hukum karma adalah agaknya.
  24. Side-line ok, brader. Jangan berenti keja dulu. Kasi lu punya business stable. Confirm mesti 2-3 mths takde untung. Banyak nak bayar. Overhead and so on. Rental aje dah boleh kill your business. Let somebody you trust run the business and if it is successful baru boleh concentrate full-time. Tapi capital mesti cukup, prepare 3 mths punya expenditure to roll prior to the business start-up.
  25. itu yahudi malaon punya product ke apa? Lu tahu tak. dia orang memang bijak. Even tempat keja gua pun hantar orang pergi sana untuk belajar dari dia orang.
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