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Posts posted by daimy068

  1. The Beckett looks a little underpowered

    Try opening the air valve more

    Thanks blueheaven. Did that this evening. Will see how, still waiting for it to breakin. Still got a MAK5 (equivalent to MD70) on standby in the store-room. ;):thanks:

    How'r your exam preps? All the best! OK if I drop by your place after exams? :P

  2. The water level was adjusted too high before I left in the afternoon. Went beck in the evening after contacting acidjazz and was warned to lower the level just in case it shoots up after breaking in.

    When I arrived, half the waste collector was filled with dark tea...Heng ah! Phew!

    Thanks acidjazz! ;):thanks:

    Anyway, tank pic after putting in salt-mix.


  3. WL, I believed you went to those open air cinema right? Those with seats.

    How about a bowl of noodles with extra fish cakes for 20 cents?

    :lol: Remember going to a concert at the National Theatre just beside Van Cleef Aquarium! That one also open air. Was so stuffy I was getting restless and ran abt the seats. :lol:

  4. Just thought of another one!

    Remember when your teacher had his/her own variety of canes in his/her cupboard and asked you to choose which one you wanted to be caned with?

    After selecting, he/she will just let loose, caning you on your legs so the marks would show.

    Then you go back and your parents ask why the cane marks and you get second round? :ooh::pinch:

  5. :lol: How about using playing with bottle caps (even modified your own bottle cap so it could flip over your opponent's)?

    Also, using the big iron core goh-li to break your opponent's normal glass goh-li.

    Another- making your own layang and lining the tail streamer of your layang with glass powder and resin so you can cut your opponent's layang string. :lol:

    Those were the days! :lol::lol:

  6. Tank Update:

    Have spoken to Dr Evil and he was kind enough to agree to modify my Aqualight pendant (3x250W) for me to add in another 2x250W, all for a small fee... That would make the pendant a total of 1250W (5x250W)... :evil::evil::evil:

    The lights configuration would be:

    << 14KK - 10KK - 14KK - 10KK - 14KK >>

    I'm doing this as I intend to run 3x250W BLV 14KK for about 6 hours a day and in between for about 2 hours I have the 10KK bulbs coming on, like a mid-day intensity and cook the SPS... :evil::evil:

    Together with my T5s (5x80W) , at the peak, I have some 1650W of lights blasting into the tank... :yeah:

    My only prayer now is that the electricity tariffs stop going up... :(


    Wah...qualify for S'pore Power Gold Membership already! :P:lol:

  7. :D

    Well, alot of people miscalculated the size of sump (including me). And tank maker normally do not know it or unaware of it because you buying your own equipment. They normally guess or presume. Hence many have overflow problem during power tripped.

    Even with those info you have, it may not be accurate (length/dia of pipes, volume of alll pipes also contain water during normal operation).

    That is why i suggest you include a drainage pipe in the sump for overflow if you can connect to the floor trap. Just to be safe and keep your floor dry. :)

    Exactly like what reefaholic said...the tank maker might not be aware of the equipment you're gonna run or have not factored that in or don't know how to calculate. Better safe than sorry. ;)

  8. Currently, the sump has the capability to hold about 120L of water in the event of a power shutdown... estimated volume of water back-flowing from the skimmer about 50L... enough?

    Did I miss out anything?? :)

    Seems good enough. Not like me...when doing system run, the backflow from tank raised the water level in the sump til abt 1" from top. :blink::P

    That's why changed to a bigger, taller sump. Now with backflow, still got additional 6"+ ht to the brim.

  9. Heh heh... ;)

    Thankfully, the tank-maker got some tricks up his sleeve, so he can chip in good ideas along the way... :)

    Dat's why I chose him as my tank-maker... not just those who builds wat you wan and doesn't chip in ideas so that he doesn't have to do so much!

    My tank-maker been pretty helpful and seem to "go the extra mile" so far... :P

    Very patient with me too! :P

    LOL! Especially the 'Very patient with me too! :P' part! :lol:

  10. This is the new drawing for the main tank... ;)

    One feature different from the original drawing is that the dursos ( now 4 in total, size 40mm ) are placed esternally to allow a smaller over-flow chamber. Originally, the tank maker required an external chamber of about 7-8 inch... now probably 6inch or less... :)

    Comments welcomed... :P

    Good idea on the external durso. ;)

    Take up quite alot of space if inside and because the holes are not located at bottom of the overflow box, there less chance of leakage. ;):lol:

    Looking good so far!

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