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Paul Ng

Newbie 1
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Everything posted by Paul Ng

  1. New fish courtesy of Iwarna Roa/Chaetodon modestus Cherry anthias - Sacura margaritacea Both
  2. Some bonus pics for the oddball lovers, both photographed overseas - Squaliolus sp. - A bioluminescent cookie-cutter shark Juvenile Chlamydoselachus anguineus - Frilled Shark Not animals that can be maintained in an aquarium, but fascinating nonetheless.
  3. Plesionika sp. Giant Isopod ( Surprisingly good swimmers )
  4. Am wondering if any reefers here have attempted a temperate/sub-tropical type tank? Would be great to exchange information, as well as to see the variety of these animals in the trade.
  5. Only held them a few seconds to get the shot, slipped away almost immediately after! Thanks!
  6. Few more inhabitants, past & present - Deep water Scorpaenid (Helicolenus hilgendorfii) Japanese shame-faced crab (Calappa japonica) Dardanus arrosor Female Metanephrops japonicus with blue eggs
  7. These isopods are harmless. Thanks!
  8. Always looking for more deepwater crustaceans... Another recent addition - Linuparus trigonus
  9. Some of the inhabitants - Giant Isopod (Bathynomus doederleini) Izu Catshark (Scyliorhinus tokubee) Popeye catalufa (Pristigenys serrula) Metanephrops sp.
  10. Prawn, squid & mussels mostly, the tank is maintained at 14 degrees. From what I've observed, the animals reacted to red light as they would to normal white or blue lights. There is minimal condensation on the display due to the insulation provided by the dual paned glass. About 4 months running now and no problems yet. Electricity bill has surely increased, but not by a vast amount. Thanks !
  11. I have been keeping both freshwater and marine inverts/fish for a number of years now, but the animals that have intrigued and captivated me the most are undoubtedly the ones that inhabit deeper waters. Of course, the restricting factors for maintaining such animals start with obtaining them, with only a handful of species available to the average aquarist. Many of these animals also have very specific care requirements, such temperature, diet, and sensitivity to light. After a few months of planning, my current tank was set up in August 14' and built by Aquarium Iwarna, who not only constructed the tank, but gave invaluable input towards the required equipment and feasibility of the tank and its long term maintenance. They were also able to bring in some interesting temperate/sub-tropical animals in to stock the tank. (Huge thanks to Justin & Jun Kai.) Tank : 3 X 1.5 X 1.5 Dual pane glass & 32" sump with Central overflow ( 14°C) Pump : Jebao 9000 Chiller : Hailea HS-66A 1/4 HP Skimmer : Bubble Magus C3.5 Lights : Current USA LED+
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