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Angel Keeper

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Posts posted by Angel Keeper

  1. NOPOX to me is for more like an emergency to me... You need the bacteria in there first otherwise NOPOX may not be of so much use... I use that whenever I add new fishes or feed more... It will multiply the bacteria... But you need to have the bacteria in there first...

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  2. Are you sure it's velvet in the first place? If you're gonna use copper, there's no need to use hyposalinity since copper treats both...

    Both treatments induce stress on the fishes, although it is said that hyposalinity is gentler on the fishes... But why go for both to induce double stress when copper can rid both ich and velvet?

    I remembered reading somewhere that it is not recommended to use copper in hyposalinity conditions... But I can't seem to find the article already... Sorry about that...

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

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