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Everything posted by IshDeOne

  1. Thanks for the advices & encouragement... Will update u on my progress
  2. My tank is fully cycled and up for 3 months already.my fishes are active n i dn see any signs of stress. And i do a weekly 30 percent wc... Doesnt activated carbon remove copper? So shld i test for copper? And anyhow suggest y my skimmer is skimming anything
  3. I don test for ammonia or nitritaes ( i noe I'll b condem for tis) But i test weekly for nitrates, n its either below 25ppm or between 25-50 ppm ( defn below 50). I started with dead rocks n I've activated carbon in my tank to remove any toxins ( does it clear copper if thr is? ) Nvr tested for copper though. During my cycling there was minute hair algae but tats all.. And my euro reef skimmer rs 80 so far hasnt skim anythin (a month plus) . I conculded that there isn't much for it skim thought. Can senior reefers guide or advices mi? Thanks
  4. I tried keeping an abalone, sea urchin n some turbo snails in my tank. But some how they died. I tried again with turbo snails n another urchin n it died as well.. I've a marron clownfish, non aggressive velvet damsel n a brown sailfin tank. I dripped acclimatised the invertebrates but 3hrs into the process n they r half motionless. N wen i place them in the main tank, they die.. Should i dose calcium? Or any other elements? Help Also i would want to noe, if zoas are hard to keep? Do tey need calcium dozing?
  5. IshDeOne

    WTB Fishes

    I've a brown sailfin tang & a velvet damsel. Pm if u interested with your offer
  6. IshDeOne

    Wtb fish

    Looking for emperor fish/ lion fish / maroon clownfish
  7. A must camp thread. Looking forward to to rockscape
  8. IshDeOne

    WTT fishes

    As the title states, I'm looking for clownfishes/blue tang/angelfish. I have a velvet damselfish ( not aggressive at all) and a brown sailfin tang for trade Both are probably a palm size n healthy. Watsapp at 8292six eight three seven
  9. Interested in all most. Of ur equipments.. Msg mi at 82926837.. Newbie here too
  10. IshDeOne


    Anyone harvesting tis week, can spare mi some? Hopefully arnd woodlands area? Msg mi at 82926837.. Hopefully cn start my refigum. Newbie here. I'll greatly appreciate it
  11. Wow! Such a neat sump n effort to document each detail.. Camping here to see ur progress
  12. but doesnt chiller incur high electricity biils?
  13. any reefers with chaeto in the north-east region? woodlands?yishun? need some for refigum
  14. Beautiful set up. Camping here to see ur progress
  15. Besides using a chiller, is there a more Cost efficient method?
  16. Its defn the weather tats suddenly raising my tank temp up.. But I'm concern tat if sucha fluctuations in my tank temp Normal days 28-30 Sibei hot dahs - 31-32 Will my livestocks survive? Currently i haf one clownfish only.. But I'm planning to introduce more livestocks but i am afraid if they will nt thrive bcuz of the temp..
  17. IshDeOne

    Sump tank

    Anyone has any sump tank to sell./ giveaway?
  18. IshDeOne

    Sump tank

    Anyone has any sump tank to sell./ giveaway?
  19. Finally found the culprit n it was a painful finding actually... Of the pump's wire had been exposed n was leeching out electricity into the water.. Found out wen i got electrocuted.. Only 1 clownfish left.. Haaaix
  20. Temp : lowest 28 deg highest ( every other day ) - 30 Deg for today - 32 Deg Salinity - 1.025 Ph - 7.5 nitrate - 10ppm to 25ppm I don have my ammonia and nitrite reading , as i ran out of the kits..
  21. I managed to keep 3 clownfishes alive till today.. I had put the damsel in a separate tank ( now given away) and the clownfishes were added thereafter... They survived for abt 4 days until today. Came home to find one dead and idk whats wrong... my tank temp has been changing from 31-32 deg. every other reading are normal. i don understand whats happening.. anyone with any idea? I wondering if i should u activated carbon pellets to remove any toxins or stuff thats in the tank ...
  22. Adult 3 bar damsel to give away. Collect at woodlands. Pm to arrange.. 1 week time only. Aftr tat i haf to release tis fella into the sea
  23. The adult damsel kept chasing the juvenile but left the clownfish u harmed.. I think I'm just going to do a 50 percent water change.. And probably let it cycle another week or two.. Is there any product to add the bacteria needed for a stable tank? I'm just beginning this hobby n this set backs are just making want to drop it Thanks for all the advices fellow reefers.
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