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Posts posted by hammy

  1. hee , actually i have a FUGE and i somewhat attribute my good water parameter to my FUGE ... just that i dun really understand why constant pruning and harvesting is a must ... :erm:

    thanks bro blueheaven ofr ur detailed explaination ... learn a lot hee .... that's what SRC is for ...

    is iron supplement really a neccessity and what is the use for it ??

    thanks again !!!!!!! :P

  2. humm... basically the rest of my coral eg brain , hammer jewel accept silverfish but not my sunflower coral ... i dunno how to er "sort of force it to eat"... put near it still like nothing hsppen ... how u guys and gals target feed sunflower coral ..''

    they are slightly different as their 'flesh not like hammer or bubble that kind :peace:


  3. hihi,

    wanna let go my eheim aquaball internal filter at low price ...bought it at 42 dollars and use it for less than 6 months

    last time use it to increase flowrate and now find it no us e ever since i build a sump ...

    willing to sell at 20 dollars ...

    380l/hrs , Hmax 0,37 , 5watts, 80cm cube , 104mm length, 96mm diameter ...

    interested reefer pls sms at 91772674 or pm mi ...

    good dae ;)

  4. i will advice u to put it below water surface ... last time my rainbar is above water and it create a lot of prob for mi and if i am not wrong as long as ur water surface is sufficiently agitated , and ur skimmer is doing well, the O2 level shold not be a prob

    or u see ur fishes like grasping for air ???

  5. finally my diatom and cyano stage are finally over and my coralline (purple algae ) are growing and spreading well with my constant dose of KALK (reefz)...

    but it is like growing a bit too fast ... even my main tank front surface have bit and pieces of them ... it is nice but them a bit unsightly with it at the front panal.... how to control them by not spreading to the panal but just the rock ...not have to scrape them not and then ...

    consider it a blessing or nuisance haha??

  6. hihi , yesterdae i witness the first time my sunflower coral open in the first two week ... thoiught it was dead initially ...just leave it there ... it was a beauty ya ...

    but i only witness it after two week and it open after my mh is swith off , like 2 am in the morning haiz ... because of soccer then i can enjoy the beauty

    has anyone successfully keep sunflower coral and it open in the morning(normal photoperiod )?? can share with mi ... currently place in shady area and high flow location ...


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