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Posts posted by RocketBunny

  1. Anemone will move around quite a fair bit until it settles. Best to wait a while more till the tank is stable. Wavemaker can become a anemone juice maker in extreme case

    JUICE MAKER! thats bad! will need to becareful of our friend moving around! should the tank be running normal before add it in? example, wave maker on etc?

  2. Corals first . Fish later . No hard n fast rule. On theory cycling need 4 weeks, but if u use live sand plus dose bacteria plus use live rocks (preferably from fellow reefers) .. your cycling is faster.

    Met all requirements for the criteria.

    However, i still think its safe after 4 weeks somehow, just a hard feeling.

    I was think of a RBTA. Would that be ok?

    Thanks for your valuable feedback.

  3. The only living thing you shall add now is bateria lah. First four weeks dont add fish first lah.

    Yea i understand the cycle. looking at 4-6 weeks. My bad for the mis communication. stating i finished 1 week already.

  4. Hello! Good day!

    Manage to get some Salifert Test Kits as recommended. Some of them are out of stock.


    Also an update of my current tank situation. Water become clearer and looking carefully for any nasty stuffs which i have not much luck in finding other than the crab.


    1 week done. Will do water test soon. Any recommendation of what stocks to be coming in?

    Fish first? Corals? How many fishes/corals to add in for a start? not planning more than 2-3 items into tank each week.

    Thank you

  5. My list of equipments as requested for now. will do a more detailed one in future.

    Tank 5x2x2ft Bracless Crystal 15mm all round

    Sump 4x1.5 using wool and bioballs

    EHEIM 1264 return pump

    SKIMZ SM251

    SKIMZ FM150 [Zorb4] - feed with sicce 2100L pump

    SKIMZ BR100 [bio Pellet]

    SKIMZ CM152 [Aquafarm Reeflith][Magnesium Pro]

    Artica 1/3Hp chiller

    Vortech MP40 Wes x2

    ATI SunPower 6x80w




  6. Hi to everyone again!

    Here is the look of the scape while cycling.


    Still cloudy at the moment due to caribsea live sand added in.

    Here is also the system of water storage.


    Crystal Pro Ro/Di filtration to keep fresh RO water and salt mixed water for future use.

  7. Nice tank bro. Just a thought, without rocks/ filter media your bateria wont be off much help to the ANN cycle ah.


    My filter medias and rocks are in after the prodibio. Will update a photo of the progress soon.

  8. Welcome! Wow ATI Sunpower looks like you have the bells and whistles.. Nice modern looking tank..geez my tank looks so old compared to yours haha 9years and still going strong..


    Your next tank could be as modern as it would get! It is not finalised yet as i have made some other stuffs to store things etc. slowly taking my time

  9. Welcome to the hobby bro! Im sure u will enjoy reefing more!

    Beautiful tank u got there, i am a big fan of ada tanks as well, the rimless and crystal glass is awesome. May i ask who is the tank maker?

    What u planning to keep? Any particular lightset u looking at?

    Hi Tofu! Good day to you!

    I am glad you are a big fan of ADA too. it made me went over board to have a shop full of ADA stuffs. Hahahaha

    Straight to SPS with some mix coral.

    I have ATI Sunpower ready. Not yet mounting as tank will be cycling.

  10. Hello to everyone here @ SRC!

    Its great to join the salty side as i have always been into planted aquascaping! Feels great being an hobbyist once again! [is it true that if you have planted aquarium background, it would be much easier to get a hang of marine in no time?]

    I would like to leave a journal of my own here for keepsake and to share with everyone. Btw it is also my first time doing a marine tank. I have limited knowledge on this matter and i have read up quite a fair bit [Mostly from this forum]

    I have prepare almost most of the equipments more than a month ago and finally had some time to do it today.


    Tank Dimension: 5ft x 2ft x 2ft

    [i am a ADA inspired fan, thats why the tank is braceless all round crystal,low iron or what do we call this]


    Did the salt mix, PurReef Salt from AquaMarin /w 1 wave maker to stir it for a start.


    Added a very important live bacteria from PRODIBIO to do cycling.

    I would be signing off. Will update this thread soon.

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