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Everything posted by RH8198

  1. Aquamarine sell the ATI lights, at 32 Jln Selaseh. Not sure if they are exclusive agent, but I doubt ATI has any exclusive agent here.
  2. Came across ATI, and there is a LED/T5 Hybrid, so best of both worlds. Not sure about the cost. but its really like in-between and not taking sides. What I gather so far, T5 is well-known and proven for its strong lighting, but it seems like LED can do alot more fancy configuration/setting. It is quite tempting to go along with LED, but at the same time, T5 still seems like the best-value for money. T5 also has dimmable fixtures, so what gives from the LED camp? Hmm.. I read about people changing T5 bulbs due to their limited lifespan, but what about LED bulbs?
  3. WAH. This scares me! One more thing to concern about and I thought I read enough about ammonia since entering this hobby. =p Now there is harmful ammonia vs total ammonia ah!! I thought any ammonia is harmful. lol Anyway, I saw this ammonia alert from some bro's tank pictures on this forum and I remember checking Fishy Business about it, the guy said he was reluctant to carry it as he does not find it as useful. His reason was along the line of, lag. Apparently he feels it doesn't react that fast and after water change(or correction) there is also a lag for the sticker to reflect. In short, not accurate lah. Somemore if your tank is cycled, this sticker will not be useful most of the time. But I agree it is cool as a first sign of defence/alert and it does look quite good. Gives visitor the feel that you have that kind of pro "chemical/parameter" control over your tank. lol. Although it should not replace the chemical test kits.
  4. Hi, just wondering what kind of lighting or even brands, would you guys recommend for a 3'/4' reef tank? I read and gather vaguely that LED and T5 are the most popular choices around, but which is better with your experience?
  5. Well done bro! Been following your thread and must say that you are progressing fast, from the time you started cycling your tank until now, with fish and mushrooms already in. I was also considering that same tank that you bought from freshnmarine. I went in-out of the shop so many times and ask so many question that I am now "pai seh" to step in without buying anything. By the way, what glue do you use to stick your corals onto the live rocks?
  6. Lol.,Technically, 0 psi may be impossible to maintain but if 10-15psi and i can save alot of effort and money, i may just give-and-take. But as a point of interest, I just want to study How technically feasible it is to use tap water. Case in point, i was in a LFS recently (not suitable to name as don't want to sabo), and we were looking at 2 relatively small tank (2ft and 3ft). When i ask what water, was told they use dechlorinated aged tap water and salt mix. I wasnt too shock as FOWLR and some LPS should be acceptance... until i saw they even have abit sps in the tank. And best part was, when i ask him how often they change water, he told me almost never, Only top up for evaporation. At this point, i was thinking that i want what he is smoking. But then again, no reason for him to smoke me so drastically as they have a reputation to maintain. And the tank does look alright (ok, i looked closer and may have spotted some diatom among the sand, cannot be too sure but sand has sillica, so may be from there..)
  7. Jowen, great tank and set-up! Beautiful, and it is a model for me to follow. I was wondering how you squeeze in so much stuff under a 3ft tank, then I realize your cabinet is longer than the tank. lol May I know what is the length of your cabinet, and the length of your sump tank? Also, for your chiller within the cabinet, is there any problem so far ? As I heard there is alot of heat produce from chiller and I am wondering if the vent you incorporate behind the chiller helps this aspect?
  8. I been trying to study if tap water is a viable solution. So I bought a TDS meter and been zapping whatever water that is in front of me until my wife thinks I am crazy. Anyway, Marine Parade Area TDS is 106, I tried it on 7-11 distilled water, which is 4-6. Do you think this level is fine to do a marine tank (LPS) with salt mix? If using RODI water confirm ease of mind, but even then, I believe it does not eliminate the underlying main concern that we have from using tap water. From what I read, the main issue with tap water, is diatom and green algae growth, and the causes are nitrate, phosphate and sillicate. For these problems, there are actually filter media that claim to remove it. For eg, Seachem Phosguard claims to be able to remove phosphate and sillicate. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/PhosGuard.html As for nitrate, it will be in your system regardless of RO DI or tap water. We just have to deal with this with water changes or nutrient export like cheato algae in refugium. In fact, I think cheato can remove phosphate too. Do let me know if my thoughts are workable. Being able to use tap water is sure a tempting thought and being in Singapore, where the tap water is the best in the world, makes sense for us to exploit this option.
  9. Hi, I am planning for a new 3ft marine tank set up with sump for a FOWLR with strong intentions to advance to LPS reef. SPS hopefully but I'll be more than happy up to LPS. Having no experience with a marine tank nor a sump set-up, I need some advice here. My main tank will be 92cm x 45cm x 50cm, which is about 43gallons. Sump is 68cm x 40cm x 30cm x 35cm (but sump water level only intending to be at 20cm (8") to fit most in-sump protein skimmer's recommended working depth. So at 20cm for sump water height, that is another 11gallons. So total 54gallons. ** You might notice that the sump length is very short at 68cm. I originally planned for 88cm length so I can have a much bigger refugium chamber but a helpful gentlemen at a tank maker reminded me of need for a chiller. I decided to leave a width of 20cm width in the cabinet for this. So my questions are: 1) When a protein skimmer claims that is suitable for tank of 150gallons, did it mean the capacity of the tank only or does it include the sump volume as well? 2) I am considering using Eheim Universal Hobby Pump which has max output of 158gph, and the Vertex Omega 150 which has max. air draw of 158gph. so technically, both of them fit each other in terms of the flow and processing rate. Is this a good combination or should one of the above be stronger for better efficiency? 3) Is it advisable to get a protein skimmer with as high air draw as possible? Appreciate any advise. Thank you!
  10. Really captivating and amazing tank you have there! I can star at it for hours if I ever get a chance too. Can I request if you are able to share your sump set-up? Believe you must had control the water parameters really well for the corals to grow so vibrantly.
  11. Hi! Can I just ask what are the dimensions of that marine tank? And beautiful fishes you have. Very envious and excited for you.
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