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Everything posted by chuashiwei

  1. @_E_L_I @AmbrieI @tumblinpizza Ahaha your go ahead next Friday ah

  2. RT @SGAG_SG: Which is more annoying Getting stuck in a MRT breakdown or watching coin master ads? I think its watching coin master ad dur…

  3. "Do you really think she'll wait for you?"

  4. RT @chelseaperetti: what is the point of provolone

  5. @tumblinpizza Kick him in the nuts

  6. @crystaaaljin Fascinating

  7. @tumblinpizza I need triggers

  8. RT @vnsalee: i'm just regretting meeting certain ppl at this point

  9. Just don't come back

  10. So much time and effort wasted.

  11. You are sickening.

  12. Hate this feeling

  13. RT @Teymour_Ashkan: Despite all the destruction, an Iftar is prepared in Douma, Syria https://t.co/oyCy1L03ad

  14. RT @IBTimesUK: Peculiar group of sea creatures found in deep Australian abyss https://t.co/5WtQziRTCO https://t.co/l66QwStKpA

  15. @_SyarahJohanXx_ You're talking about fast food right

  16. RT @CauseWereGuys: He was a skater boy, she said me hoi minoy https://t.co/bOTTnuihpa

  17. @AmbrieI 欢迎

  18. RT @vnsalee: I WANNA GO BACK TO SCH

  19. Slowly but surely

  20. RT @AsaAkira: For my whole childhood, I thought the song "Don't Speak" was about friendship. Truly none of us are born anal whores.

  21. RT @UTAS_: It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...https://t.co/ogCJmCQU2n #weareutas #utas #research #science https://t.co/Q2qU44…

  22. Cobia and Barramundi done. Silver perch, you're next.

  23. RT @wordstionary: You don't need anybody that doesn't need you.

  24. What you do says more about you than everything you've said and you've done enough for me to know

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