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Posts posted by Rocks

  1. wha bro.LiveRock getting professional sia.....gongrats on your new toy!....... ;)

    today on leave can chiong Iwarna lah.....fill us up on the details yeah?

    woke up early this morning to check Iwarna out but the stupid rain came pouring down...sian....too bad I am going to miss out on the nice SPS.... :(


    very sad ... i went to Iwarna quiet late, today's leave is to ran errand and i though after which will have time to go shopping ... sian.. took me the whole morning+afternoon to finish all my things. so by the time "shopping centre" no more nice things liao.

    fed-up ... me went to other LFS in pasir ris...

    *paisey* .. me not professional lar ... just beginner, anyway the refractometer really good, save time and not so messy also.

    SATURDAY! must chiong !

    you ready for your chionging ? or you already have enough for your tank and now preparing for house guess viewing ? :D:D

  2. my tang all scared one not brave enough all gundo....if got trigger good....that one see anything move only attack...... :lol:

    hey ... i got 2 trigger in my old tank planning to give away... about 3½ inch in length you want ? can train to attack praying mantis one !!


  3. 1) gobies abit gundo one :upsidedown:

    2) angelfish too kepo....like to inspect and not fast enough kenna caught..... :P

    3) filefishes out of the question....recent mishap learned lesson already. Strong

    wave come gone...straight into mouth of anemone...... :(

    4) damsels fast enough but sometimes keena fool by clownfish (if you have any)

    to come in and give their anemone chance to catch..... :lol:

    5) Tangs fast enough but sometimes never see corner when turning and then run

    into Traffic Police....liao...gone <_<

    6) Butterfly.....cannot....see the anemone as jelly beans cannot resist....must taste

    then anemone stress curl up and won't open again...... :(

    anymore other species miss out or not?...... :blink::lol:

    wa lau ... just one anemone and i have so many restriction on fish choices.. :pinch:

    me now thinking of fabricating a mask (something like Silent of the Lamb - Anthony Hopkins worn) for the carpet ! :lol::lol:

    like that any fish also can swim around liao ..

  4. I think the tassel filefish dun have good co-ordination when comes to swimming movements maybe thats why kenna caught in the anemone's grip liao....faster fishes shouldn't have a problem...... :D

    true... (agreed)

    Alright .. next time when i buy fish ... they must pass my fish test.. example

    (1) must be able to swim fast (1 meter/sec)

    (2) hard swimmer (can fight off any grip if necessary)

    (3) smart ... (just don't stand infront of something that will eat them alive!)


    so what's my options ?

  5. wha good idea man.....fish orbituary somemore..... :lol: very senior fish pass away today....so where is the wake held? Must bring small wreath with condolence sign or not?

    your anemone is a monster now eating live prey..... :o

    ya boy .. maybe can have a "Fish Obituary" forum here where reefer visit their belated fishes, corals, etc occasionally.. (wonder will SRC consider it or not) :D

    too sad to held a wake :pinch:

    now the biggest question is ... what / how to deal with the monster anemone.. keeping it will end up killing more fishes in the tank in future ... and by then those fishes maybe a very costly meal !.. Hmmm...


  6. wah. got death cert somemore...

    :lol: ryz ... well after all she has been with me for over a year, issue a cert and get it over with then move on to other fishes.. :D

    anyway, now my tank has no fish (other than the cleaning crew) ...

    i am in my phase two of my new tank (stock up coral) ... last phase will be stocking up fishes..


    my fish :cry2:

  7. Bonjour Fellow Reefers.....Comment Ca Va?

    The Final and Last stage to a complete set up.....so to open this thread heres a drink on the house....... :lol:

    Today is Bastille Day in France so all the more to celebrate and the final stocking of my tank.....muwhahahahahahahaha...... :lol:

    Hmm ... nice "Venom - SPS" .. its closed, so when will it be opened ? :lol::lol:

  8. Jesper ...

    thanks for the link ... interesting !! ... but seems like only the rose anemone is spilting ... other anemone no sure ...

    so i gather 3 methods of spilting the anemone ...

    (1) Knife !! ... Surgery ..

    (2) Stress !! ... degrade her living environment ..

    (3) Wait !! ... and pray long long ..

    HEE ...

    (clause: I am not responsible for anyone following the above asumptions) :D

    as for me...

    (1) the babes is to beautiful for me to do such a thing

    (2) degrade environment will risk my other livestock

    (3) the best ... feed them fat fat and wait ... hopefully there is a civil war and they spilt into 2 independent individual .. :lol::lol:

  9. HE..HE...alot of work that water changes but it's worth it.... ;)

    Right now I have the pink birdsnest , Humilis , Mellipora , and a white version with blue tips....theres a purple Acro and a yellow/lime green too and my yellow turburina stellulata which is growing well.... :D

    on the sandbed I have my clams Squamosa's , Crocea's and Maxxima together with Open Brains , Closed Brains , 1 Galaxea and colourful "prata's"

    pictures !.... pictures ! .... pictures ! ... :D:D

  10. every other day I dose all of that except I feed my fishes everyday and do 20% water changes twice a week.... :D

    My feeding routine is late at night for the corals and clams when the acthinic is left on and sometimes I wait until lights go off..... :D

    wa say ... 20% water change twice a week.. that's very frequent .. you sure you need to do that ?

    by the way .... what kind of LPS and SPS you have in your cubical ? .... :D

  11. wha liew....got romantic setting somemore..... :lol: must make special dish that night....prawn soaked in Garlic and Selcon , topped with Nori and a dash of Golden Pearls and cyclopeeze..... :lol:

    The results ...... super ultra grade baby anemone .... :lol:

    was about to ask you something ... then you replied my thread liao ... ;)

    anyway, what food you use to feed your LPS, SPS... and among other livestock ?

    I am using phytoplankton and prawns currently ... good to know more food choices for healthier all rounded meal for my babes..



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