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Posts posted by chocolate98

  1. I recently got a brown tang and after afew days,I noticed white spots all over it. But the thing is that my other fishes in the tank does not have those white spots and only when I introduce a tang, it will then occur. My previous yellow tang also had white spots and after a week it died. I've used myxazin from water life to treat the tank but no improvement was observed. Is there a solution to this problem?

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  2. How to get them to eat?They seem to not eat and I'm pretty worried they will starve to death. I tried feeding them pellets and frozen mysis shrimps but they doesn't seem to be interested. Is there any other alternative?Ive gotten them for almost 3 days already

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  3. Is it possible to put 3 percular clownfish together? I place them all at the same time and I noticed that they are kind of aggressive towards each other. Will 2 of them pair up and kill off the other one or 3 of them will be able live together overtime? The size of the percular fishes are close to 2 inch. Now after a day 2 of them seem to be alright with each other but the other one is still running away from them

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