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Everything posted by shaohui75

  1. I have 2 set of these and is considering selling 1 and keeping 1 myself as i am into FOWLR and does not turn on both. It has been with me for 1 year plus. Considering to sell if someone is interested. PL light- Brand Magnum - tube 2 x 10000K with Blue - S$50 made of aluminium. E-Ballast. I reserve the rights and venue of collection(Sengkang)for the sale of the item.
  2. This is little old but maybe some of you have not heard it before. Maybe some of you may want to use it on your phone voice mail. hahaha. out_of_office_Voice_Mail.zip
  3. Have been using McAfee Viruscan. Using McAfee 's latest Virus Definitions 4691 (7 feb 2006). Using it to scan my laptop now. Thanks for the feedback AT.
  4. Sorry, it should be 99% on my laptop. Out of curiousity, i tested SRC website on another computer. Same thing also happened but only if i click on some link and then back quickly. It just stay at the 98% level and whole iexplorer slow down until i close the window and open it up again.
  5. 愛因斯坦常常到處演講,於是就請了一個司機 普通的司機通常都在車上休息 不過這個司機很有好學之心 愛因斯坦在講課他就在後面聽 過了半年以後 有一天司機跟愛因斯坦說:你講的那一套我都學會了 愛因斯坦大笑說:我講的那些都是很專業的,你怎麼學得會? 不然你說給我聽看看 司機就從頭到尾講了一遍給愛因斯坦聽,講的很好 愛因斯坦心想:我這麼久才想出來的理論 你開了半年車就都給我學會了 心理很不平衡,於是就說:好,那改天你穿我的衣服上去演講 我穿你的衣服在下面當司機,這樣你敢不敢? 司機就說:好呀,試試看 於是有一天司機就穿愛因斯坦的衣服上去演講 從頭到尾講了一遍,講得很好 聽眾在台下一直鼓掌 然後就有一個觀眾問了一個很深入,很專業的問題 愛因斯坦心想:呵呵,這下子司機下不了台了 沒想到司機說: 你這個問題太簡單了 為了證明它有多簡單 我叫我的司機給你回答就好了
  6. I dont know if anyone here is also facing the same problem as i am here. If so we should bring this up to AT. Whenever, i am in SRC, after surfing for less than 5min , the website will become very unresponsive, when i check under task manager, iexplorer will takeup 100% CPU. This only happen after this site's server has been upgraded. I do not experience the same for other website that i go to.
  7. Nice tank you got here. Just my 2cent comment, personally feel that your tank will look much much better if you have a blue paper backing on the back of your tank, it will hide those messy equipment at the back. Its not too expensive compare to the corals you have.
  8. Here's a picture of the stuff in a box.
  9. Hope more people can share their photo here. How about the NKF tank?
  10. Synchronise swimming trainfish.zip
  11. Share some photos i just took yesterday of the suntec tank. Page 4 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44344
  12. Suntec marine tank - The center display tank
  13. Suntec marine tank - The center display tank
  14. Suntec marine tank - The center display tank (left side)
  15. Suntec marine tank - The center display tank (central side)
  16. Suntec marine tank - The center display tank (right side)
  17. Suntec marine tank - The left smaller tank
  18. Suntec marine tank - The right smaller tank
  19. Suntec Marine tank - pic taken on 22Jan06
  20. Its great two more reefers share picture. AnyMore public marine tank pic?
  21. How much lower will it go? coe_price.xls
  22. Last picture of the marine tank in Changi Airport. School of fish in the tank.
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