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Posts posted by Jeebusai

  1. 1 hour ago, Fennieyuen said:

    Shifted one rock slightly higher.. does it look better? Any other suggestions??



    Nice but I personally think can stack half a rocks height higher. Remember to glue ur rocks...lol

  2. 12 minutes ago, stormrider said:

    If budget allows, i do recommend marine pure etc as more crushed corals (heavy)to be equivalent to a block which is lighter and  surface area.

    Can I hijack? LOL. I’m using both biohome and siporax. Still have space for media. What would you recommend. My main aim is to bring nitrates down. Not so keen on reactors due to space constraints. Thanks 

  3. I am always scared of adding fish. But a tank without fish like so boring hahah. 
    Ya previous owner calls him Mr Ugly. He has a very grouchy face. So grouchy until he looks.
    Where to get Flame Hawk at that price? Just saw some costing $100. 

    I got some PMs with regards to this. LOL LCK 201. Yesterday still have about 15-20 pieces.

    Normal price range is $65 upwards.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 15 minutes ago, VanquishJ said:


    I bought the bubble magus one.
    Should last 1-3 months before needing replacement depending on how dirty your tank is.

    Mine currently running for 2 weeks. Used up 1/3. So mine should last me 6 weeks.

    Think was 200+ but measure your sump design. I had to tear down all my partition and re silicon to fit it in.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    Thanks for the info. Didn’t know bubble magus have this too! 

  5. 2 minutes ago, VanquishJ said:

    Not sure if you want to spend more but,
    Maxspect light + gyro + return pump.
    All can program and I’m currently enjoying it cause I’m quite laze.
    For sump, use the auto roll filter.
    Don’t have to keep changing the filter sock every few days.
    Initial pocket pain. But after that, damn shiok everything automated don’t have to do anything except water change.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    Bro do u mind sharing the clari Sea cost and how long one roll last? Thanks 

  6. 4 minutes ago, acodestny said:


    I not going triton atm...Budget constraint hahaa. Been thinking hard whether to have a dosing pump or not. Heard triton, dosing pump is almost a must haha. The set up I have above is alrdy stretching my initial Budget lol.

    How’s orhpek lights, it seems like quite a powerful light, but the thing is it is not programmable

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    Didn’t use Orhpek lights myself, according to other bro. It’s very powerful, but as u said, not programmable. I will think it may be a overkill for a 3 feet. 

    Dosing pump can come later since ur not going triton. Maybe can prioritize ur initial equipment to save some moolah. Do shop around since ur not in a rush. Do look at AI Hydra HD lights too. Bang for buck. 

  7. Haha all these are suggested by the dealer I consult with...been looking ard hard and my intention is I want this to be a Long term tank cos I dun intend to upgrade size anytime soon due to space constraint haha

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    May want to take a look at
    Ecotech Radion lights
    Teco or Artica chiller
    SICCE pumps
    The skimmer may be a tad small. Can-consider same brand but different size?

    Ur going triton?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I see... for myself I shortlisted this tank setup

    1. 3x2x2 tank with triton ready sump
    2. 4x2x2 cabinet to fit in chiller inside
    3. Heliea chiller
    4. Orhpek led lights
    5. 5000l return pump
    6. Crushed coral sand
    7. Live rocks
    8. T valve for PO4 and chiller
    9. 110SS reef octopus skimmer
    10. Filter media - crushed corals, carbon, cotton

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    Ur setup doesn’t seem like ur new to marine tank.....lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. 8 hours ago, Indeco said:


    I have done the below testing, hopefully can give you some ideas...

    My conclusion is that ice bottle can only help bring down the temp, but to keep it constant I guess still need fan bah... so fan + ice bottle should be able to help provide a lower temp....


    Test 1
    Outdoor Temp: 30c to 33c
    Tank Start Temp: 31.8c
    Tank End Temp: 30c
    Ice Bottle A:
    - 500ml (Ice melt completely in 20+ min)
    - Temp drop from 31.8c to 30.9c within 1hrs, and stay
    Ice Bottle B:
    - 500ml (Ice melt completely in 20+ min)
    - Temp drop from 30.9c to 30c within 45 min, and stay 

    Test 2
    Outdoor Temp: 27c to 30c
    Tank Start Temp: 32c
    Tank End Temp: 29.9c
    Ice Bottle:
    - 500ml x 2 (Ice melt completely in 35+ min)
    - Temp drop from 32c to 29.9c within 1hrs, and stay
    **Bottle is put inside a plastic bag and fill up with water to cover the bottle as to provide a cooling factor

    Thanks for the very detailed experiment bro. Gave me a very good idea of how long the small 500cc freezes bottle can last. Initially thought it could last longer than I thought. Will freeze more just in case! Thanks again!

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