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Posts posted by Qchan

  1. i have a 3.5-4 inch healthy choc chip starfish(nice color one) for sale at $3

    if not can trade me with a small cheapo community fish also hehe

    (anemone fishes and community gobies are fine or others i dunnoe of lol)

    reason for trade is wife thinks it looks like alien and dun want it lol

    collection is at west coast rd or clementi area,

    can sms me at 94302290 if interested or leave me a pm here

    sms will be more effective i guess lol



  2. :cry2::cry2::cry2:

    Can someone help identify the problem with my clam? It was ok the night before and opened nicely. Tonight i jus checked and it looks quite out of shape. It only retrives back to its shell upon touch. Not reacting to shadows and don't think it can see shadows the way it is covered up.

    Anyone with the same experience please advise thank you.


  3. Hi there,

    im not sure what it is but from what i see, its the same breed as sea cucumbers and sea apples, been reading alot about them cos i have a sea apple lol. The "cauliflower antennas" are actually tentacles that have sticky substance attached to them so that they can collect pytoplankton and feed themselves. Onli think you wanna look out for is that theses things are famous for their cuke nukes, which happens when they are extremely irritated or when they are forced to defend their lives(also cases when they dying). These buggers will release toxins capable of wiping out a tank :P Go read up on them, if i were you and i want to be careful i'll think of a way to get rid of it hehe.

    Just my little bit of research hehe, well cant help read up on it since i gotten my sea apple :P

  4. ~~Bumpity Bump~~

    I think this guy deserves a bump on this thread, his stuff realli nice, especially the clams :P, mind still boggling on whether to buy the giant squamosa, its realli very very nice, only thing holding me back is cos im newbie lol, dun want such a nice clam to suffer under me.

  5. Hi Thioeh, just to share with you and make u assured that the clam you sold to me is taken care of properly. Here are the pics of the Croceas 1 hour after it was inserted into my tank.

    Yup you are right this baby is a super hopper lol :)


  6. i got a new clownfish and put it into a tank with a royal dottyback in it. They were fighting for a few hours and i had to keep seperating them. Now it seems that the royal dottyback has claimed his territory and the clownfish has started to leave it alone. But when closely inspecting the clownfish, i discovered that there is a small tear on the rear side of the fish, my main reasoning to this is bite marks contributed from the royal dottyback.

    Anything i can do to help the clownfish? Medication or quarantine?

    My wife is now extremely annoyed with the dottyback, anyway i can catch that fish easily? Wanna give it away but it is a great swimmer and darts in and out of holes like crazy.

    Thanks for help guys.

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