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Posts posted by zaiqiu

  1. what u said makes sense and should be the reason why you're not getting 0 tds. i have used the Crystal pro a long time ago but don't remember having issue with it. Maybe you would want to remove and reassemble your unit? 
    With a tap water TDS of 60+, there is no reason why you need RO, yes RO membrane can last a long time but you have to deal with waste water and a slow flow rate and if you stay in high floor you'll definitely need a booster pump. The trade-off is not significant enough because DI alone can reduce the TDS to 0 and still last a long time. 
    This is my DIY 5 stage DI unit with all the parts sourced from taobao except for the resin. 

    I have the same concern regarding the waste water and the slow rate...if DI can achieve 0 TDS, it will do right?

    I suppose DI will deplete faster? Even then replacing DI resin should be kind of affordable enough when compare with the waste water discharge with the RO system?

    Hmm, then why would there still be people who go for RO instead of DI? Am I missing something here?

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. I measured my tap water TDS is 66ppm. Hmm, my DI was just purchased new and replaced on the crystal pro.

    Somehow I am guessing that it could be the design of the crystal pro. I noticed that there are free space whereby water can bypass without all going through the DI canister. That may explain why I could not get 0ppm.

    Would you have link to where you purchase the 5-stage DI from? I am also looking at those table top drinking water filtration sys like below. Will this work?


    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

  3. Hi,

    I am currently using the 3-stage Crystal Pro that was purchased from Aquamarin many years ago. Few weeks back, I changed the resin and charcoal filter. However I noticed that the output water still reads 40ppm with TDS reader. This is still the same even I tried to reduce the flow to dripping, still achieving 40ppm.


    And I think that’s reason why my hair algae is growing out of control. Like to seek opinion which is the recommenced filtering system to get now?


    Is RO a must, or I can just use DI filtering?


    Many thanks!




    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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