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Posts posted by jackal

  1. Alamak...apa lu orang bising bising lagi pasal 2nd language. Biarlah dia orang chat dalam bahasa mereka. Kita focus pasal ikan dan coral sudah...kasi blood level turun. Kalau susah susah, kita orang open kita punya sendiri website....

    Oi brother spawns, itu sotong terlampau besar untuk gua punya tank lah. Sekarang temporary musim kemarau....dalam 1 or 2 hari air bah turun sampai lecak, mungkin jadi tsunami.

    Jangan takut, kita orang buat ini hobby bukan seorang seorang...ada lagi members. Kita punya members multi racial. Cuma dia orang ini kat rumah tak ada computer atau malas, itu pasal not member of SRC.

    Dah malam ini, gua nak tidur. Besok gua off, tetapi ada banyak kerja nak buat. Hari Jumaat petang kalau bini Mansorali tak pakai kereta,MIBs nak pergi LFS di Verdun Rd tenggok corals. Dia punya show tank, all corals only......paling best lah. Plus Acrapora dia jual harga tak mahal... Lapas it boleh minum tea tarik. nak join?

    Ok brothers, kita orang buat hal sendiri ok. Jangan lah ribut ribut pasal orang lain punya forum. :peace:

  2. Gua dengan Mansorali tinggal dekat dekat di Sengkang dan Ponggol. Tetapi kita orang tak boleh let go identity kita sekarang pasal kita orang punya kerja security ketat...MIB :ph34r::ph34r::fear: . Siapa hang out dengan kita orang mesti ada orang ekor...kena check background. Leceh lah.

    Tetapi kalau lu nampak dua mat yoyo satu sikit bulat, satu panjang dan handsome di fish farm all over Singapore...itu lah dia MAT MIBs.

    Btw, semalam gua kering lagi......mdm datang bulan. :cry::cry::cry: Pagi bangun straight away tenggok fish tank check strength. All present fit and strong except my croseas clam, dia masih malu malu nak bukak. Any bro ada experience dengan clam?

    Mansorali, lu finally dapat yr Caribean Royal Gamma at LCK110? About time lu buy a star player kalau mau same tank standard in Premier League. Plus lu punya water parameter mesti tok kong first.

    For any brothers need translation,plse ask Mansorali.

  3. Mine is a Croceas bot at $25 from I*£@NA in Pasir Ris. It open nice before I bot it, react to my hand movement above it and there is no visible problem. Plus my buddy is quite well verse in clam wz there to inspect it.

    There is no pest snail, just turbo snail in my tank.

    How can I check for clam disease? Any thing to look out for?

    Many thanks guys for your concern :thanks::bow:

  4. Apa banyak cakap ribut ribut.....we just talkin ###### in malay. Besides my Malay not so good so I can practice here in KOPITIAM. Don't be pranoid lah...nobody is talking bad about anybody here,jz lots of love and encouragement. No need to send ISD in to check on us. Relek brothers.

    Mat Mansorali, lu punya tank macam nak kena relegated to Div 3 jangan hang orang dengan transport.Lu lupa gua sudah kaya, dah beli kereta besar boleh drive sampai LCK110. Ya lah dulu gua miskin,tompang bini lu punya kereta. BTW :thanks: banyak banyak. he he he!!!

    Spawns, lu keep on going never give up but mesti consistantlah jaga tank. Gua sekarang mana nak jaga anak, ambil hati bini [boleh dapat malam], jaga bisines dan kerja dengan company lokek. Tetapi masih ada time for my dearest pride and joy....MARINE TANK.

    Hey how about kita orang start posting gambar kita punya tank....except Mansorali [ha ha ha]. How about the idea????

    BTW, gua dengan Mansorali member ketat dah lama since NS 15yrs ago.

  5. I am new to clams. Bought it 10 days ago and it only partial open. I check my water parameter, it is fine except little problem wz NO3. I am using ML and my water temp is 26.2-26.7 celcius. The rest of my corals are doing well, so does my 6 fishes in my 3ft tank. I also move it around the tank to get the best position.

    The reason I got the clam is because I heard it consume NO3.

    Plse help :cry:

  6. Mat Spawns....lu punya cerita macam member Mansorali lah. Sekarang dia punya tank tinggal 2 ekor ikan. First lesson, jangan buat tank macam Kamikazi style....sudden change mesti upset system, ikan semua terperanjat berok. Another lesson, mesti check water parameter every week...maybe salinity too high kamu punya ikan tank kena gatal gatal. Lastly, jangan over stock. Ini hobby mesti relek relek....minum kopi dan makan epok epok one corner. :D:D:peace:

  7. Jz for discussion...ever wonder who feed the prata wz market prawns in the ocean. I have 3 prata and many other corals. I jz throw in 5ml of Marine Snow plankton once a wk and once a wk wz little bit market prawns. My prata all bloom beautifully.

  8. Thanks bro. There are so many test kit in the market, that I wanna know which one are the essential ones. I very much want to keep my water in the tip top condition since I already spend so much to start the hobby. I am keeping variety of corals...LPS, SPS and soft. Plus I have 7 fishes. Btw my tank is 3ft with MH and chiller. In the hobby for a yr.

  9. Mine opened big for a week when I bought it. Now it is still alive but open very small. I fed it with chopped prawns, it makan....I feed it with marinesnow, can see it is feeding. After makan, it opened slightly bigger than back to it small shy self. I tried to change it position, nothing seems to help. Now I just leave it alone and feed it like normal.


  10. Only problem with my water parameter is high NO3. I removed all my coral chips and bio-balls and replacing them with LR, stages by stages. I try to do a weekly water change. Mine is a 3ft tank using an internal overflow filtration. Jz check my NO3 and it is getting better but still on high side. I had this Micro Skimmer for about 2mths now.

  11. My brittle star is slowly being eaten away by a crab which I bot. I forgot it ID. Saw the crab bit off the brittle star legs and eating it. So now the brittle star so stress up that it hid behind my powerhead. I have to direct feed it.

    How can I remove that damn crab? Plse give me ideas :cry2:

  12. Hi Reefbum. Thanks for that imformative reply. Would be more appreciative if you provide more info before you post any advice. Instead of trying to be sarcastic. You are not being helpful or adding value to this forum.

    I just relating my challenges on this topic... It would be nice if you could provide some link to this subject so that everyone can read and benefit from it.

  13. Did the same thing like the brothers above...let the powerhead distribute the brine shrimp. But problem is that my Caribean Royal Gamma is a shy timid fellow. But time the feeding frenzy over he might eat a little or none at all. He is among the pioneer resident. My tank is 9mths old. 3ft big with 6 other fishes

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