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Posts posted by Seng

  1. Selling the AquaMedic Turboflotor Multi SL for $300.

    Good for 120 - 250 gallon tank. Small footprint. Can be in-sump or placed outside the sump (Main unit outside, the needlewheel pump inside as in photo attached.)

    Do check out the official webpage for further information:


    Comes with everything less one black 'filter' box. Using Aquamedic pump, PH2500 @ 37W.


  2. bro,

    2 sets of 39W HO DIY T5 lights wif the following components

    2 T5 tubes

    2 individual reflectors

    4 waterproof endcaps

    1 3 pin plug

    1 Elbiru ballast for 39W T5

    1 set going for $50.

    new set?

    or used how long?

    Sorry. Didnt see the reply till now.

    The set have been in use since Mar 05. The tubes however, are abt 3-5 months old liao. Can have a look at this thread:


  3. Update of stuff available + reduce in price ....

    Aquamedic Turboflotor Multi SL - very good skimmer - $300 (http://www.aqua-medic.com/products/products.php?category=Protein%20Skimmers&product=Turboflotor%20Multi%20SL)-

    RIO HF 14 - $70 - NOW @ $65

    SEIO 820 - $40

    Cabinet with hood - $200 NOW @ $180

    , tank 3ft by 1.5ft and 1.8 ft height is 10mm thick but with scratches. (note - tank is given away free WITH purchase of cabinet)

    2 sets of 39W HO DIY T5 lights wif the following components

    2 T5 tubes

    2 individual reflectors

    4 waterproof endcaps

    1 3 pin plug

    1 Elbiru ballast for 39W T5

    1 set going for $50.

    If buy cabinet, tank and lights = $280 NOW @ $260

    2 * Aqua T5 HO 39W (3ft) tubes 10k NEW - $10 each

    SE 150W Magnetic ballast with <2 weeks used IWASAKI 50000k EYE Color Arc AQUA bulb - $100 NOW @ $65


    Ehiem 1250 pump 1200l/hr - $85 NOW @ $80

    Atman AT-306 powerhead 2000l/hr - $35 NOW @ $30

  4. Was referred to AH to remove my wisdom teeth. Upper left was impacted (growing sideways) and affecting my bite.

    The doc, a she, did an x-ray and found that ALL 4 wisdom were impacted. So she suggested removing all in one shot. Got general anethestic (knocked out) at 10 am in the morning, woke ard 2 pm. My mom came to take me home as was groggy after that.

    Didnt get swollen face though.. so lucky to avoid becoming pig's head like my fren. Total cost = $2200 but only paid $400 ++ after all the deductions. So still cheap as it is a one time thingy.

    For the numbness.... happened to me also. can feel anything on my lower lips for abt 2 days. Can pinch like free, no pain. Luckily recovered sensations in the end.

    If studying, think there are dental insurance, may be able to save some $$ if ur wisdom not out yet.... cant really remember the details though

  5. Update of stuff available + reduce in price ....

    Aquamedic Turboflotor Multi SL - very good skimmer - $300 (http://www.aqua-medic.com/products/products.php?category=Protein%20Skimmers&product=Turboflotor%20Multi%20SL)-

    RIO HF 14 - $70 - NOW @ $65

    Cabinet with hood - $200 NOW @ $180

    , tank 3ft by 1.5ft and 1.8 ft height is 10mm thick but with scratches. (note - tank is given away free WITH purchase of cabinet)

    2 sets of 39W HO DIY T5 lights wif the following components

    2 T5 tubes

    2 individual reflectors

    4 waterproof endcaps

    1 3 pin plug

    1 Elbiru ballast for 39W T5

    1 set going for $50.

    If buy cabinet, tank and lights = $280 NOW @ $260

    2 * Aqua T5 HO 39W (3ft) tubes 10k NEW - $10 each

    SE 150W Magnetic ballast with <2 weeks used IWASAKI 50000k EYE Color Arc AQUA bulb - $100 NOW @ $65


    Ehiem 1250 pump 1200l/hr - $85

    Atman AT-306 powerhead 2000l/hr - $35 NOW @ $30

  6. i felt tat by installin a ball valve to the outflow.....will reduce the flow even when the valve is fully open.....coz the hole inside the ball valve is much smaller than the pipe size although the ball valve size is the same as the pipe size......do u guys realise???

    In regards to this, if i remember correctly, the ball valve is 20mm means that the inner diameter of the valve is same as the pipe. Though can remember liao since i glued it up more than 1 year back.

    In any case, depends on wat rate you want your return pump to be. Mine is ok for 1200l/hr (wif half closed valve) which is ok for my 3ft. Internal circulation i use 2 SEIO rather than relying on return pump.

  7. Update of stuff available + reduce in price ....

    Aquamedic Turboflotor Multi SL - very good skimmer - $300 (http://www.aqua-medic.com/products/products.php?category=Protein%20Skimmers&product=Turboflotor%20Multi%20SL)-

    RIO HF 14 - $70 - NOW @ $65

    Cabinet with hood - $200 NOW @ $180

    , tank 3ft by 1.5ft and 1.8 ft height is 10mm thick but with scratches. (note - tank is given away free WITH purchase of cabinet)

    4 x 39W DIY T5 lights (From horizon ventures) modified for the tank - $120 NOW @ $100

    If buy cabinet, tank and lights = $280 NOW @ $260

    2 * Aqua T5 HO 39W (3ft) tubes 10k NEW - $10 each

    SE 150W Magnetic ballast with <2 weeks used IWASAKI 50000k EYE Color Arc AQUA bulb - $100 NOW @ $65


    Ehiem 1250 pump 1200l/hr - $85

    Atman AT-306 powerhead 2000l/hr - $35

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