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Everything posted by Calcinus

  1. Reserved 1. SKIMZ Colour-Tracer Tuning 2M (red) - new, FOC 3. NP Biopellent - used, left around 200ml - 300ml - FOC 4. Refractometer - used, sell at $10. Available 2. H2O Life Fine Point Coral Feeder II - used, FOC 5. FAUNA MARIN Coral Dust 100ML - mostly full, only used twice. Bought at $38 selling at $30. 6. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS ZOOPLANKTOS-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15. 7. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS PHYTOGREEN-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15.
  2. Reserved 3. NP Biopellent - used, left around 200ml - 300ml - FOC Available 1. SKIMZ Colour-Tracer Tuning 2M (red) - new, FOC 2. H2O Life Fine Point Coral Feeder II - used, FOC 4. Refractometer - used, sell at $10. 5. FAUNA MARIN Coral Dust 100ML - mostly full, only used twice. Bought at $38 selling at $30. 6. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS ZOOPLANKTOS-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15. 7. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS PHYTOGREEN-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15.
  3. Reserved 2. H2O Life Fine Point Coral Feeder II - used, FOC Available 1. SKIMZ Colour-Tracer Tuning 2M (red) - new, FOC 3. NP Biopellent - used, left around 200ml - 300ml - FOC 4. Refractometer - used, sell at $10. 5. FAUNA MARIN Coral Dust 100ML - mostly full, only used twice. Bought at $38 selling at $30. 6. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS ZOOPLANKTOS-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15. 7. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS PHYTOGREEN-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15.
  4. Hi Bros, collection at Clementi Ave 1, please PM with contact to reserve. Thanks. 1. SKIMZ Colour-Tracer Tuning 2M (red) - new, FOC 2. H2O Life Fine Point Coral Feeder II - used, FOC 3. NP Biopellent - used, left around 200ml - 300ml - FOC 4. Refractometer - used, sell at $10. 5. FAUNA MARIN Coral Dust 100ML - mostly full, only used twice. Bought at $38 selling at $30. 6. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS ZOOPLANKTOS-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15. 7. BRIGHTWELL AQUATICS PHYTOGREEN-M - new. Bought at $19 selling at $15.
  5. Left with: 3) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker, bought at around $90 sell at $50. 4) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Reagent, sell at $10. 7) Refractometer, sell at $40.
  6. Item 1, 2, 5, 6 reserved. Left with: 3) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker, bought at around $90 sell at $50. 4) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Reagent, sell at $10. 7) Refractometer, sell at $40. 8) Milwaukee EC59 EC/Temp TDS, bought at around $80 sell at $40. 9) Milwaukee PH Tester, bought at around $50 selling at $20.
  7. Sorry, forgot to add that for all Hanna Instrument Checkers, the reagents that come with them are mostly used up. So have to buy new, selling just the checkers.
  8. Hi Bro, selling the following items... collection at CASA Clementi Ave 1. PM with contact to reserve. Thanks. 1) Hanna Instruments Calcium Checker, bought at around $90 sell at $50. 2) Hanna Instruments Phosphate Checker, bought at around $90 sell at $50. 3) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker, bought at around $90 sell at $50. 4) Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Reagent, sell at $10. 5) Hanna Instrument Phosphate Low Range Reagent, sell at $10. 6) Hanna Instrument Calcium Reagent, sell at $30. 7) Refractometer, sell at $40. 8) Milwaukee EC59 EC/Temp TDS, bought at around $80 sell at $40. 9) Milwaukee PH Tester, bought at around $50 selling at $20.
  9. Reserved, considered sold else will post. Thanks.
  10. Hi, Collection at Clementi. Bought from Coral Farm. Fish has been with me for 12 months. Around 3.5 - 4 inch. Feeding on pellet, mysis shrimps and seaweed. Selling to reduce bioload. PM with contact to reserve. Thanks.
  11. Reserved, considered sold else will post. Thanks.
  12. Reserved, considered sold else will post. Thanks.
  13. Hi, Collection at Clementi. Bought from Finns Factory. Fish has been with me around 2 years. Around 2.5 - 3 inch, adult big. Feeding on pellet and mysis shrimps. Selling to reduce bioload, also it keeps fighting with the dominant male. PM to reserve. Thanks.
  14. Hi, Collection at Clementi. Bought from Coral Farm. Fish has been with me for 12 months. Around 3.5 - 4 inch, tail slightly torn because keep fighting with my blue tang. Feeding on pellet, mysis shrimps and seaweed. Selling to reduce bioload. PM with contact to reserve. Thanks.
  15. Hi, Collection at Clementi. Bought from Pinnacles. Fish has been with me for 6 - 8 months. Feeding on pellet and mysis shrimps. Selling to reduce bioload. PM with contact to reserve. Thanks.
  16. Hi all, please let me know if you have healthy corals stated in the title to let go in West Singapore. Thanks.
  17. Hi bro, If you are letting go of the above items, please PM me. Thank you.
  18. Hi, Selling the following used items: 1) BEAMSWORK Hi-Lumen 60 (used for 15 months, without box) original price: $75 selling at $20. 2) Twinstar LIGHT 600ES 60CM (used for 3 months but rarely turned on, with box) original price: $235 selling at $200. Collection at Clementi Ave 1. PM if interested, thanks.
  19. Hi bros, If you have following healthy softie for sales, please PM me. Thank you. 1. Colt coral - small size to palm size (not to be mistaken as Kenya tree) 2. Green cabbage coral - anything within 10cm is fine
  20. Hi Bro, Have a healthy purple carpet that opens up to 20cm to 25cm for sales. Just for $100. Collection at Clementi Ave 1. PM with contact if interested. Thank you.
  21. I am running NP reducing pellets and I dont dose bacteria. Should I dose? I read from somewhere that can feed frozen mysis without washing it first to raise PO4?
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