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Cedric Ko

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Posts posted by Cedric Ko

  1. On 8/14/2020 at 11:53 AM, Alypapa said:

    Not shifu but i do use the A 360x.

    Initially i use 2 A360x with 4 t5. Had mostly easy Sps then and they were ok. Afterthat i went with 2 a360x only (my t5 ballast died) with 100% intensity and noticed light not enough for my acros.

    Currently go full Led and added 1xr15 and 1xr30 in my current sps dominant tank. Colour is very good under AB+ setting and growth is getting better.

    With yr current light fixture, i would think that easier Sps will be ok. But may want to add another AI set to cater to those high light loving acros such as millies and tenuis.

    1. Strawberry shortcake. I feel best under medium light (about 300-350 par). Brings out both green n pink

    2. Forest fire - grow well under a360x

    3. Walt disney and 4. Home wrecker.  Generally tenuis family like high light and high flow. High light (450 -500par) may bring out nice colour.

    5. Candlelight. No experience i dont keep.

    Checkout the Youtube video on BRStv on A360x with info on par values. Good reference material.

    currently I have 2x A360x at the sides and a hydra 26HD in the middle, i forgot to add that my tank is a shallow one, at only about 350mm height. My lights are kept really close to the water surface (less than 4 inches) and that is probably going to increase the PAR readings. The only issue is not having a PAR meter to measure them. will probably get to that soon. So far I have a SSC that is slowly colouring up and I've also added some montipora (nauti spiral) alongside with my existing lime green monti. I am still unsure if it is enough as the BRStv vid shows them at 8in above water surface. I'm hoping that my current setup is enough, if not will probably have to get a R15 or R30 to replace the 26HD.


    And thank you for your input, really helpful! Also please do let me know if there are any other things that I should take note of.

  2. I have been trying to raise my nitrate by dosing RedSea AB+ to my 300L tank setup at ~15ml every alternate days and overfeeding my fishes to try and boost up nitrate levels as the readings so far are all coming up to 0. Read online that there are dosing items that dose Potassium Nitrate etc to more effectively bring up nitrate instead of dosing amino acids. Any thoughts?

    And does anyone know where I can get this potassium nitrate/Sodium Nitrate dosing from LFS? 


    Hope to hear all your inputs!


    Currently my tank has the following parameters:


    Mag: 1350mg/L

    Cal - 380mg/L

    NO3 - 0 (using Salifert test kit)

    Phos - 0.04ppm (Hanna ULR)

  3. 18 hours ago, Evolutionz said:

    You have a relatively low fish bioload for your tank size, ur curve 7 should work better as well! 

    I do plan to add more bioload as the time goes by. I'm just slowly adding things in so that I don't overload it too quickly. Although the fishes I'll try to add them all in 1 shot as I know they'll start killing each other otherwise

  4. On 8/13/2020 at 1:10 PM, Evolutionz said:

    i would never run a reef tank without skimmer. As much as there is debate that you don't need one to have a successful reef tank, having one helps ALOT in making your reef tank successful.

    thanks for input! will continue using my skimmer then haha.


    On 8/13/2020 at 12:11 PM, coralclams said:

    U using sk5000 for how many footer tank . How long does ur roll last ?

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    My tank is 3ft by 2ft, add up sump is about 300L tank. Currently its the starting and I've brought over my rocks and all from my old setup so there is alot of debris flying around most of the time due to my shifting. It has used up half a row of the normal row (not the XL one) in about 2 weeks but I do open the valve at the side to try and maximise the row as much. 

    In conclusion, I believe a normal row will last me about 1.5-2 months in a normal setting and for the XL, about 2-3 months. But I must say, the water clarity is much better when compared to the normal socks mechanical filter!

  5. On 8/13/2020 at 12:10 PM, Otaku Reefer said:


    just sharing my tots, how old ur tank and ur bioload? if no skimate, got few reasons, ur bioload too low vs ur tank size, u never tune the skimmer properly, i tune the bubble until the collection cup neck, ur skimmer not rated properly or its not good skimmer, those very good skimmer using needle pump to create those very fine bubbles with higher surface area to bring out the skimmate.

    Got trend out there saying no need skimmer but i probably wont run without 1, its more for contingencies i tink cos got stuff die think the skimmer can quickly skim out the DOC quickly or in case of overdose meds, the skimmer also help i tink. Plus it aerates the water and bring up pH.

    Just my opinion, do wat u think is best for u, many paths to success. Happy reefing bro!

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app



    My tank has cycled for about a month but I have already shifted all my corals and fishes to the new tank as I've ported over almost all my media and marinepure blocks over.

    Tank Specs:

    300L including sump (3ft by 2ft short lagoon tank)

    Have chaeto running in refugium

    Clarisea SK-5000

    3 no. of Marinepure blocks

    I have a C7 bubble Magus (previous tank don't catch much, as you mentioned, it might be because I didn't set it properly, do you think it is okay for my new tank? I know its oversized for my previous 2ft tank)


    Current livestocks are: 

    1 Yellow Tang

    1 Lawnmower Blenny

    1 Mandarin Dragonet (been with me for almost 2 years, would assume my pods colony is sufficient)

    1 Clownfish

    Couple Inverts (scarlet hermits, pom pom crab etc)

    1 Seahare

    1 Watchman Goby


    On 8/13/2020 at 1:44 PM, SubzeroLT said:

    How long has your tank been running? The skimmer won't have much skimmate if bio load is very low (i.e. little organic waste or when the tank is new/cycling)

    A Clarisea is a replacement for filter sock/wool - a 1st stage of mechanical filtration. Depending on how you set yours up, a roll should last quite a while.  For my 5ft, it lasts about 1.5 to 2 months. Super convenient.

    The skimmer is to remove organic waste (which is not picked up by the clarisea/wool/filter sock). It also provides a lot of needed oxygen for the tank since its churning the water quite a bit.


    19 hours ago, R0B said:

    Using a roller filter can indeed significantly reduce the waste organics due to the finer filter used. Itcertainly does a better job of lifting the organics out of the water. From my own experience I had to reduce the size of my skimmer as the larger skimmer I originally had (which was oversized for the tank) seriously struggled to produce anything meaningful except micro bubbles as there simply wasn't enough organics to support it. Now I have a skimmer that is rated exactly for the tank size I am able to pull out some nice skimmate. Obviously there are many factors at play, bio load, other filtration etc. But it doesn't surprise me that a roller filter would partially shut down your skimmer.

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app


    Thanks for your info! will take your advice and still include a skimmer (C7 bubble magus) to my new tank!

  6. I actually have seahare in my tank that has been with me for more than 2 years but I can't seem to get enough food for him no matter how much I try... And he has been getting smaller and smaller (his about 20% of his original size 2 years ago). I upgraded from a 2ft to a 3ft by 2ft tank now and I plan to get him much more sand.. Hopefully he will grow back to his origial size. 

    And thank you for your explanation at the top!

  7. Hi all shifus,

    anyone uses Kessil A360X for keeping their SPS? Doing online research has come up with mixed reviews on what is needed. Of course it is also dependent on the type of SPS I am keeping. Currently I have 2 Kessil A360X + 1 AI Hydra 26HD for my 3ft tank.

    I plan to keep the following:

    1. Strawberry Shortcake

    2. Forest Fire

    3. Walt Disney

    4. Homewrecker

    5. Candlelight


    Any advice is welcome.

  8. Hi all, May I know what is your best algae eating crew you have and whether you encountered any problems? So far I've heard the following:

    1. Emerald Crab (best cleaning crew out there but read that some are polyp nippers, any advice if I should get this) 

    2. Lawnmower Blenny (read the thread from admin and thankfully mine feeds on pellets)

    3. Scarlet Hermit Crab Are there any other cleaner crews that you recommend?

  9. Hi all,

    May I know what is your best algae eating crew you have and whether you encountered any problems? So far I've heard the following:


    1. Emerald Crab (best cleaning crew out there but read that some are polyp nippers.

    2. Lawnmower Blenny (read the thread from admin and thankfully mine feeds on pellets)

    3. Scarlet Hermit Crab


    Are there any other cleaner crews that you recommend?

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