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Posts posted by cgpcgvae

  1. On 5/5/2021 at 9:26 PM, R0B said:

    We all start somewhere, and it doesn't matter if your tank is a bucket, a circular bowl, an old bottle or a 9ft crystal clear glass aquarium, the act of keeping a marine environment in a contained space is possibly one of the most challenging hobbies you can select. But it isn't that complicated, and more and more people are seeing success. So, whether it is a small bowl (not recommended) or something more spectacular there are some common things you need to consider. 1). WATER QUALITY. Reef keeping (salt water in our case as this forum is for us salties so sadly no goldfish allowed... but surely we can intice you with some clownfish instead), so for saltwater the hobby is more about keeping good quality water then most anything else. So water changes are used unless you have a good way to filter out the unwanted elements within the water, and a way to supplement anything that may have been consumed. 2) FLOW. Fish and corals need nutrients (food) so they get this with good flow within the tank. Flow is essential to also keep your filtration optimal 3) LIGHTING.. less important if you don't intend to keep corals, but most corals need light with the correct power (par) and spectrum to survive. 4) finally I would say Tempreature. It's important to keep things stable so temp (and salinity) are key.

    There are loads of other bits and pieces and your knowledge will grow but start thinking of these few things and you are well on your way to creating your own piece of the ocean in your house.

    Good luck!

    Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

    Good day


    Many thanks for such a concise run-through. Indeed am reading up more on the forum to enhance my knowledge before starting one.


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