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Everything posted by Rocky99

  1. bro, your tank looks bigger thana 2.5ft on closeup with all the LS. i could see the mocha foam brewing......
  2. thanks bro..... i'm considering getting a 24"x6" then subsequently get a 6" chamber extension...... btw, your beckett is what size?
  3. thanks everyone for all the very useful info...... pmed WS already.....
  4. forgot to pump down the model Dolphin Superampmaster 7500 1/3hp
  5. actually i found a better brand.... dolphin brand pumps.... RC ppl using it... not the rear luohan kind...... it's non pressurerated. but max head alread 25ft. unless ur sump is in the basement..... abt 360w. elect bill $40plus per mth..... 23845lph at 8ft..... http://www.dolphinpumps.com/3000.htm
  6. anyone running an 8" beckett? if can, pls show me a pic of the skimmate and skimmer in action. thanks a lot..... thinking of getting one but so far i only read abt positve feedback of the 6" ones.....
  7. thanks. it's great to meet again thru this hobby so many years after we left school. i decided to start on a bigger tank, cos of the limitation that i face with this tank. eg the width and the kind of fish i can keep. and also it's a chance to correct my mistakes. this time round, will go slow and steady. my 3rd tank in 7mths, don't wish to screw up thanks for all your great advice and inspiration for a 5ft tank.
  8. try the distributor. i think i may cost up to 1/3 of the price of a new pump. http://www.hausmann-aqua.com/01product/acc...es/pump/rio.htm
  9. imo, 2hrs may be too short since u want the fish to get used to captive feeding. the angel fish by nature would prefer to hunt for food on the liverocks instead of waiting for it to be thrown into the tank.
  10. hi bro, thanks for the liverocks. u're having problem of sump overflowing when the power gets cut? i notice that the water level in the sump is quite high do you have durso standpipe in your overflow box? if most of the water comes from the backflow of the return pump, you can raise the outlet or install a checkvalve.
  11. i feed only formula 2 pellets. what i did was to keep the fish in the beta box and throw food in, for about 2 wks. another reason for doing so is that i thought if i release it straight into the tank, it might go and nib on my corals or clam. abt less than a wk later, my fish started eating. appetite not very good then. i feed a few times a day, and it takes only abt 10 pellets at most. after that, i release into the main tank. because my tangs are aggressive eaters, i had to dump enough pellets into the tank so that some of it settles on the sandbed. the flame angel naturally started eating from there. about another wk later, it becomes an aggressive eater, like my other tangs.
  12. overall tank pic as of today. i got a lot more rocks in it and the fishes have got little space left to swim. the LRs are for 3rd tank project which is in progress. will need loads of them and i got no place to store them. anyone got good lobang for LRs? this tank will be history soon.
  13. top down view with limited success. colors of the mantle appear more vibrant.
  14. clam fully acclimatised, only after 5wks. it looked pretty dead before that when the mantle is shrunken. previously was very sensitive to fishes swimming past it, not anymore now. the clam has turned 1 and half rounds since i first placed it on the sandbed. i prefer its other end to face the glass.
  15. closer pic of the longnose hawkfish
  16. flame angel stabilised. feeding very well and not disturbing my corals and clam. thanks bro achilles19 for advice on feeding.
  17. got this chequered little fella yesterday, like the one SRCs header pic. i got a shirt with a similar design. the fish is not feeding still and stoning all the time at one corner of the tank. wonder how long will it survive like that.
  18. am so glad that this african clown i got today decided to reside in the anemone, unlike my previous percs. so i decided to take a few pics, and as usual, photo quality is poor - is it with the operator or camera? wait till i get the macro lens.
  19. hi bro, interested in your 6060. my contact is 90227139 my name is rocky thanks. gdluck for your sales
  20. Anybody use them in singapore?
  21. 25mm hose 120W firefighting?
  22. where to buy bulkhead with rubber ring, so that no silicone sealant is needed to hold the glass inbetween? tried haicheong and other hardwareshops, they only got the full plastic kind.
  23. specifications http://www.hausmann-aqua.com/01product/acc...iohyperflow.htm
  24. i'm not sure if this would qualify as a product review yet for its length. i thought this is something interesting to share. video it's the first day i got it, as the return pump for my upcoming new tank and subsequently to drive my skimmer. over the next few months i'll give a more proper review. the video was taken with a nokia hp. sorry for the lousy quality. this will need Quicktime to view. not that i had nothing better to do, but i had to test if the pump cos i only got 3days 1 for 1 exchange if it's faulty. my new tank is not here and i cannot replace my 3ft tank return pump to test cos it uses a different fitting. water that comes out is from a pail of water. Had to stop cos i'm worried the pump may spoil if water level falls below the pump height. it's a makeshift toilet as my flat is undergoing upgrading. both toilets cannot use. Video_009_.3gp
  25. plumbers use epoxy i think. cos it works also underwater. use any aquaz or deltec, should work.
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