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Posts posted by Rocky99

  1. Changed my T5s to MH 150W.. reason is simple --- for the ripple effect... i got this set from a fellow reefer..... a great piece of equipment.......

    it appears much brighter compared to 4x36W...... even at 6inches above water... blinding at first.... the trade off - can't place actinics.....


  2. guys, i heard adding a UV will help, is that true?

    but of cause we have to remove the old one inside the tank.

    i got UV in my setup... coralife 6x. dont seem to work for slime.... but got some control over brown algae over my glass...... haf to clean tank less frequent.... controlling phosphate with media is still beyond my budget.

  3. thanks guys for your very invaluable input...... the AT appeared very stressed when i first put it in the beta box, kept swimming against the base of the box.......

    i shall release it into the tank now..... have got a yellow tang and blue tang in it..... yellow tang is very timid, swims away when i go near the tank. healthy neverthess... blue tang is peaceful... should be ok........


  4. how to make them eat.. sorry

    juz got my Achilles Tang today and placed it in a beta box since this afternoon.... this is my usual practice because i don't have a quarantine tank.... i have thrown some pellets and flakes into the tank and it's not eating..... looks like it's going to discolor or die very soon if this continues.. and i don't dare to release it to join the other fish in the tank...... anyone got any idea how to make the fish eat.... my other fish don't have this problem.... thanks......


  5. they is what i do to prevent fights everytime before i introduce new livestock..... dunno if it works for you and this method may put stress on other fish.... you can put pipes, bottles and nets or any non other metallic stuff into the tank to confuse the fish (create a totally different scaping if you don't want to rearrange the rocks).... immediately release the new fish into the tank with other confused fishes..... wait half a day or so and then remove all the stuff that you put into the tank..... :D


  6. this patch of reddish patch growing on my LR..... going to cover up the whole rock... smooth and continuous on the surface... like anytime going to peel away..... bubbles trapped underneath..... does anyone know what is it? is it harmful? do i have to take the rock out and wash it away? i'm concerned cos its rapidly expanding.......... i tried searching on the net...... but can't find answers...... thanks a lot......


  7. 2 wks have passed since i last updated. i've 6 fishes now in my tank.

    a cleaner wrasse

    a blue tang

    a maroon clown

    a brown tang

    a red sea sailfin tang

    and a yellow tang which i got today.. by evening, it started eating pellets.......

    nitrate surpising fell to zero from 12.5mg/dl on a tetratest since i last posted it... i haven't done any water change but will do soon.....

    i added a coralife 6x with a 400/l pump 3 days ago cos of ich on my brown tang, sailfin and and blue tang. all of them now cured. some ppl will disagree with this, but it does work for me. good investment i think.

  8. hi, i've been using the same unit as yours...... as200p...... i connect it like the way you connect..... mine is doing a great job.... black smelly skimmate.....

    did you on/off the pump too frequently before the break in?

    at least, u should see lots of fine fine bubbles once you turn on the pump....

    one suggestion.... you see the nozzle that connects to the thin rubber tubing to draw air. instead of pointing upwards, you try point to the side. and then off/on the pump....

  9. 10cm slug i got a wk ago..... cant be found in tank since 2 days ago....... i think it prbly climbed over into the overflow box and and got washed through the pipe. but i also din manage find it in the sump...... dissolved? hiding in the LRs? i dunno.....

    NO2 and NO3 - no significant rise....

    my previous slug laid one coil of eggs and died few days later.... anyone else keep slugs?


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