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Posts posted by MarcoVan

  1. Agree with honkit - it really depends on how many fishes you have and how much you are feeding them. Also, it depends on your husbandry methods... If you are diligent and keep to tab your water changes at once per week, you can do away with very little GFO (assuming your stock level is within limit).. a couple of factors involved.. not really so straightforward...

    For myself, I am running minimal GFO, but I do put liverocks into my sump for filtration and maintain a small list of nano gobies and 3 chromis in my two feet tank...

    If you are using a refugium to cultivate macroalgae, do note that it has to be very sizeable (probably equal or even exceeding your display tank) before you see a marked reduction in PO4 levels. This also depends on the number of fishes and inverts that you keep. The more they are, the bigger the refugium will have to be.

  2. Then what were the last many replies from you? 15 words?! First you cannot read, then you cannot figure out my sex and now you cannot count...

    Amuse us: "can you sing 123 Johnny caught a flea?"

    Go try or I'm assuming the effects of your crack is overpowering your pea size brain. Permanent brain damage in the making.

    You need a doc. Or at least a good shrink. (:

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. Zzzzz... (can someone wake me up after this sis is done with her monday blue?)

    Lol!! I'm flabbergasted.

    Honestly do you always read things by their surfaces or you do bother think for a sec? Oh wait again, you don't have a brain to process that *facepalm*

    Geez I really should revise my IQ and treat you like something outside the conventional human being.

    Amuse us: are you ET?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. yes, that's the spirit, keep trying. Dont give up.

    Spirit? Trying? Give up?

    No you better catch up. IQ and EQ at this level for this era are definitely appalling especially when you are mingling with things Mother Nature offer.

    Take my suggestion. Decom and go fk the wall. It's a safer playing field (:

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Technically speaking, what i have said is not a question, it is a statement...

    Sigh, you cant even get your fact right... you shall try someTDO... it helps my anthias get smarter...

    wow can't believe you are not only beyond stupid, you are equally incompetent to read!

    Anyway if your statements/suggestions/answers which approximately adds up to the linguistic portion of a human brain, are half as smart as your anthias, maybe your Anthias can start spelling ABC with bubbles and you should drug yourself off with Tdo.

    FYI, Madpetz are having them on discount (:

  6. Wah, cannot ask question... then i better dont ask, next week then go ask S.E.A aquarium keeper...

    If every question of yours is equally stupid as the answer/statement you just wrote, I rly sincerely suggest you don't ask.

    They just simply add and size up the capacity of your brain.

    In fact tbh, I never knew there can be stupid questions in this world until you came along..


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