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Posts posted by Chemifish

  1. I beleive I stated a list of reasons as to why one should "think about" their quality and if it really is a question or not. I never came straight out and said that all their products are of low quality. What I mentioned was stated as something of information for you to intelligently think about and come to your own conclusion. Yes I have stated some opinions, and given you my thought process on how I would definitely judge a company.

  2. (Chemifish @ Dec 19 2004, 03:23 AM)

    As far as I see you are just opening your mouth being unbiased and making good points!

    Chill dude, I'm asking you to substantiate your claims, not saying anything personal. Keep this civil, or you won't be taken seriously, no matter who you supposedly represent.

    I never thought for a moment you were saying anything personal against me. I stated what I did, about you being unbiased and making good points, because I wanted to encourage people to question what they see, seek out the info which you seem to be looking for, to find the truth out for themselves! If you thought I was making some personal accustion, I apologize as that was not my intent.

    And I reiterate that I have nothing to do with Aquapharm and am not taking anybody's side on anything. But it bothers me that people when pissed, even if they have good reason to be so, start making general statements without giving proper detail. And, based on just the emotion and vitriol found in the statements, we're somehow supposed to believe these people's side of the story. I don't think so.

    You make a very good point. Yes I am passionate and do have personal feelings in this matter, and am trying my best to keep to a proper level of conduct on the forum and respect the other club members by doing so.

    I'm equally interested to know the truth behind this saga, and if indeed Aquapharm is guilty of all you claim, I'm sure you'll succeed in pressing your claims through legal means. But how does starting a flame thread in sgreef help anything? More facts please Chemifish, but do tone down your posts.

    It is good to seek the truth, as you may of already seen many club members in arofanatics and SRC have independently researched what I have said, and so only facts have been brought up to back up my claims. I have also in my response to your inquiry clearly state what kind of proof or not I have. I also did not start the thread in this forum nor in arofantatics. I responded originally in arofanatics to someone looking for more information on Pur II. I only came to SRC, because someone also decided to continue/start a thread regarding the company on SRC. I have posted the info other people were looking for. Isn't that what this forum or any other about, to share information if you have it? I do understand the desire to keep posts toned down and as purely informative and non-flaming as possible, and will continue in any posts to keep to that standard!

    So far I have not heard from Aquapharm defending themselves yet and we really do not have their side of the story, be it true or false, and that is for them to explain.

    If there is a need to seek legal recourse, then perhaps that route would be best. Proof will have to be provided, evidence gathered and a conclusion from the relevant authorities will bring closure to the matter.

    I would suggest that certain individuals from the 3 camps avoid posting any more aggressive & inflammatory remarks that will guarantee a hostile atmosphere in SRC. I can see it brewing already.

    The Administrator makes good points in his post here. I would only encourage that Aquapharm come to the forum and contribute to this discussion. Each side of any argument should always be represented and listened to, if and when possible! I would also encourage anyone who reads this forum or the one on arofanatics to not take my word as it is on here, but go out and find the truth, investigate, discuss with other club members! No one should ever surpress information, but share and grow by learning!


    Matthew Boyd

  3. >Please clarify if you are referring only to the filtration media that they sell which is the PUR-II >product, or if you are referring to ALL aquapharm products including the other additives.

    I am referring to ALL aquapharm products when I call into question their quality control. Yes, I do not have access to their manufacturing facility, and can't give on hands personal testimony to their quality control or exactly manufacturing process for their products. However give the following some thought as things to think about whether or not they have a consumers best interest in mind. 1. They have a list of products, not just the filtration medium, which has confusing names and packaging designs to lure consumers to buy their brand, even if by mistake. 2. Their claims for their filtration medium are basically straight copied from all of our own text and information on our own filtration medium. So who's to say they didn't copy other peoples promotional info! 3. If the company has shown a tendency to be looking purely for profits and not consumer awareness, why wouldn't they also use the bare minimum needed to produce products and maximize profits in doing so. I know we could make a lot more money at Boyd if we used much cheaper ingredients in our products and know of some companies that in the industry do just that!

    >You may have reason to be upset by what you say are unethical practices, but it is another >thing altogether to take broad brush and attack every product brought in by a company.

    I brought up the issue of the companies entire quality control on all their products because if they are willing to compromise your tank with one of them, why would they be so diligent to keep a high quality control standard on all their others? If I was still an individual hobbyiest with no connection to any company I would still share the information I have, if I had it in my possession. By sharing information, (which I beleive forums like this are meant for) we can help give people the chance to make a more informed decision on products they are purchasing or may so choose to purchase.

    >I am not defending Aquapharm, but I don't think you have given any basis for your sweeping >accusations apart from your personal opinions.

    As far as I see you are just opening your mouth being unbiased and making good points!

    let me also add, since it was brought up that it really doesn't matter where a product is produced. What matters is the companies ability to maintain a quality product. I'm sure it's safe to say that no matter what country you are in, if you seek out and have the desire to make a good product, that it is in within anyones reach to do so. Just because a product is from the US, does not always mean it's always quality either!

  4. Hello SRC,

    I am posting a copy of what I put into the arofanatics.com site where this thread was originally started. I have only been awaiting my registration to be validated, thank you Achilles, to be able to provide/post any information.

    thank you,

    Matthew Boyd


    I am here first of all to help clarify who I am. Some of you may already know as my identity has already been posted in SRC. My name is Matthew Boyd, one of three sons of the late Dick Boyd. If any of my remarks or statements on this forum offended anyone by the way I put my informatin out there I apologize to those arofanatic members. I'm sure you can all understand that this isn't just a business I am involved it, it is my fathers LEGACY! Many people over the years have stolent ideas, pictures and etc from our father. So still today we fight any kind of such disrespect to our father with passion. We try at Boyd to always live up to his level of excellence and pride in the products we produce. We purposely have never flooded the market with new products to try and always make sure they were a step above anythign else out there.

    I am telling you this as I promised the admin of this board I would try to clear things up and also let you know exactly who I was from my own mouth. I know some may think I could be liable or the company for any statements I've already made. You are right that a person could be liable for any statements which are not true and could directly affect sales from a company. However that would only be the case if my statments weren't 'True'! MANY OF YOU HAVE ALREADY NOTICED THAT WHAT I'VE SAID SO FAR IS OCMPLETELY TRUE! Any facts independently found so far by board membes has only backed up what I have to say so far!

    Now I will hopefully clear up the story regarding Aquapharm in case anyone out there is still confused. I am numbering each bit of information to give kind of time line or sequence of events as they happened.

    1. About 4 years ago we here at Boyd started selling our products exclusively to MagicLaser, run by John Ong. We have give exclusive rights to singapore and only redirected inquiries to him regarding our products in Singapore.

    2. About 2 years ago, just prior to the previous Aquarama 2003, MagicLaser(John Ong), stopped ordering or deciding to even keep in contact with us at Boyd. A normal thing if a business has possibly gone out of business!

    3. Immediately after Aquarama 2003 one of our Distributors in Asia called us regarding a company who he thought was stealing our trademark named or at least part of it, "Chemi-pure". What he found was an ad Aquapharm had placed in the Aqurama 2003 show booklet, which advertised at the time three products, 'Chemi-pond, Chemi-marine, and Chemi-fresh,' All of which under singapore trademark law were causing trademark infrindgement on our Chemi-pure product.

    4. Immediately we investigated to find out who was Aquapharm. All we had to go on was an email address that was on the ad. Their actual webpage had not been put up at that time. I got an email back from the company, and the person whom the email was registered was 'John Ong'. We knew right there and then that MagicLaser had stopped ordering from us, because he decided to make a competing product, which is fine, just don't try to steal our NAME!!

    5. After some more investigation we found that MagicLaser, John Ong is partners with AAP Marketing PTe. Ltd. in their 'Aquapharm' business venture together. AAP marketing is also in Singapore!

    6. AAP Marketing who owns Aquapharm, tried to file a trademark for Chemi-pond, which is till in production. We immediately filed an opposition to such a claim, AAP Marketing decided to immediately withdraw any such claim for a trademark in Singapore. (Would a supposed US company apply for a trademark only in singapore?)

    7. Through the course of all that has happened Aqupharm(AAP marketing) decided to drop two of the orginial products, Chemi-marine and Chemi-fresh, and instead replaced them with Pur II!! (if you came out with a new product which could stand on it's own, wouldn't you try to give it an original name?)

    8. So now we are here, as we stand. Aquapharm is still producing products which are confusing to the comsumer. Not just products in competition to us, but other US quality made products.

    --- FYI, even though we thoroughly trained MagicLaser, John Ong, on all of our products and especially Chemi-pure, he was never given any information as to what carbons or resins we use to make our Chemi-pure product. Nor was he shared any confidential information on HOW the product is made. We use a very special process when putting the Chemi-pure product together, without which some of the ingredients in the product become dead and no longer work to do their intended job. So even if he found out what our exact ingredients are, he still does not know how to properly put the product together! This is one reason among others as to why our Chemi-pure product as been the leading filter medium of it's kind for over 50 YEARS!!

    --- For those of you who think their products are competitively priced. Are they rasiing prices to around the same cost of other products which have to deal with shipping costs from the US? If so this means they are actually putting a TON of money into their own pockets on any products they make. Why? because they have lower costs in bringing the product to market because it's locally produced!! I know our product Chemi-pure is cheaper when bought here in the US. But unfortunatley with shipping costs is more expensive overseas.

    I hope this has cleared up some information for anyone out there who was confused at all. Perhaps Aquapharm hasn't put anything on here to defend themselves and give PROOF! Simply because they CAN'T!!! All of you have already seen from your own research that something is definitely wrong with that company! Buyer be ware, I know I wouldn't put anything into my own reef tank if the company looks like it is using deceptive business practices, because if a company uses such practices against other companies, are they really looking out for your tank, using quality control and etc??


    Matthew Boyd

    Boyd Enterprises, Inc.


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