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Posts posted by hongqixian

  1. Yep, they'r all live

    They'r imported from oversea, so the price is quite reasonable for that quantity.

    Ive bought the rotifers, but i couldnt keep the culture alive for long :|

    I think the quantity of phyto you need is at least 3 to 1 rotifer culture cos got to feed the rotifers....If any rotifers get into the phyto cultures they wil multiply like siao...Then no more phyto. :(

  2. I imported it from Florida Aqua Farms.

    Yes, flourescent tube 6500k is good enough.

    I can't possibly import from US. Sigh...

    Can sell me some culture when you get it set up? I want to set up my own cultures....

    Donate even better lah...Just joking :P

    You have to keep rotifers away from the Nanno, right?

  3. Never heard of it. Got a pix?

    How do you use it? In quarantine tank? Does it contain copper? Reef-safe?


    It's getting more common in normal freshwater petshops here, I bought a fat 15cm bottle from Harry's Aquamart at Changi Village. It is actually the extract of a tea tree (Melaleuca sp.) and smells like tea. No copper. I used it in a quarantine tank for 2 clowns last time, but it doesn't seem to hurt amphipods and copepods so it should be reef safe. I've heard of other people using it in their reefs with no problem, and it doesn't matter if you overdose a bit.

    This is the description of Melafix, but the picture of it is slightly different than what I bought : http://www.rena.net/us/rena_melafix.html

    The one with the correct picture is at http://www.mops.on.ca/products/MEAF-11H.htm .

  4. Spiff! Are you into phytoplankton culturing too?


    I am actually preparing to start my new Nannochloropsus and Rotifer cultures next week!

    Phang: I will posting an article on phytoplankton culturing to feed our reef tanks soon. But knowing how busy I will be the next couple of days/weeks... it could be some time! :P

    Roger: I will post more details tonight on the brineshrimp culturing procedures that I use to grow BBS. Did you check out the DIY section yet?

    Where did you get the live cultures? Are you using a fluorescent light for the Nannochloropsis?

  5. right now i have 3 boxer shrimps, 2 normal crabs, 2 hermit crabs, 1 lobster (i think, it looks like a lobster, orange with bit of purple, but the ah pek at the LFS told me it's not lobster)

    i plan to buy some cleaner shrimps soon and maybe other typle of hermit crabs, they look so cute carrying their home around.....ehehehe

    Don't the boxer shrimps fight? What do you mean by normal crabs? Your lobster should be a reef lobster. And I don't think you can keep snails then with the hermits.... :blink:

  6. I have a mated pair of CBS and cleaner shrimp that give birth to shrimp fry every fortnight!


    I have some pictures to post up! ;)

    As for crabs! I kill them when I see them! They are known to be killers especially of featherduster worms, helpful bristleworms and even small fishes when they sleep!

    Only one or two species of crabs are reefsafe (ie. only eats algae).

    Where did you get the mated pair? Trial and error matching? I don't like CBS in a small tank. I had one last time in a 2ft tank who killed a baby amsel and injured my dwarf angels (overstocking was a mistake made when I was more ignorant). Why don't you try rearing the cleaner shrimp fry in a suspended breeding net? It might work.

    I kill the brown tiny crabs when I find them.

    Have you tried the Hawaiian Zebra Hermits? I want to get one or two but I have to deal with my dratted 80mg/l nitrates first.

  7. Hi Bluebeard,

    Caven road is actually along the main road from Lavender MRT to Balestier...if you are driving.

    From Lavender MRT, you can walk (takes 10-15 mins)...

    Pretty nice setting....

    I think it is Cavan Road, not caven. Anyway, can someone tell me how to walk there? Otherwise I have to resort to taking a bus which can get pretty confusing.

  8. Huh????

    Dun recall any shops in market...

    but if you check out the florist shop besides the market... they do have some reef display tanks... the corals in there are for sale...


    Thanks, Phang,

    sounds interesting. Is the shop nice? Do you know how to get there by public transport from an MRT station (pls dun say taxi...A sec 2 boy like me cannot afford it..haha)

  9. My bi-colour angel kanna ich and it spread to my beauiful Powder Blue Tang. Started "western" medication (M Blue something, reef safe) and even chinese herbal concoction (OceanFree). Have been feeding my fishes with food with garlic juice. Its been coming to two weeks. The bi-colour appears ich free but my Powder Blue Tang is still having it but mostly on its side fins. Now my yellow tang also kanna... very xian!!!!! Anyone come across any other miracle cure lately? I really hate the thought of tearing down my tank at this moment!!! :(

    Tangs are very susceptible to ich, but they recover easily if treated properly. IF your tank can support it, get a cleaner shrimp. Cleaner fish in Singapore don't seem to live long. Maybe you can try a reef-safe product called Kich-Ich By Ruby Reef available in large containers at Superstar Aquarium (downtown east, pasir ris). This may help.

  10. Few months back, someone is offering Zoo at $5 for 100,000 rotifers

    and $20/L of Phyto, you might wanna contact lamcy@cwc.nus.edu.sg on getting a starting culture.

    They are all live, right? A bit pricey, but still seems worth it. Do you know anyone who purchased some?

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