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Posts posted by seanewbie

  1. Read a number of aricles and some of it mentioned is reef safe...some mentioned "reef safe with caution"

    i thought of taking the chance and dropped by Ah Beng and wanted to order in his next shipment...but he stop me and mentioned that they do nibble at corals. So he discourage.

  2. nice progress bro.

    did not see the true percs. Only a blue tang playing hide and seek.

    btw, maybe you wanna go for smaller corals so that you can house more variety later.

    Ya lah bro..you are right...All those will be the last "big corals"....

    going for smaller ones and then hunting for some yumas to propagate and watch the tank grow..

  3. Hi Guys,

    Finally have the chance to settle down to update forum. Been a fantastic 2nd week and water has been perfect to allow me to move the next level of adding corals...Took a trip to GO...and 1 thing lead to another.... :eyebrow:

    Was abit worried as i had the same mindset before (having 4ft tank before :blink: ) and bought quite a number....

    Checked my water perimeters....pheeww... all good! :eyebrow:

    Have not got a good set of camera yet...all my budget goes to my tank for now.. :eyebrow:




  4. revert back to frag tank? haha.... siow......

    the reason is because:

    The left side of my tank is facing the front of my main door.

    So when I walk in from my house, I always see the side view which are all rocks!

    I am planning to make this a 2 sided view tank. and place higher rocks on the right side of the tank.

    So that when I walk in from the house, I see the best view :)

    I need to add sandbed too to prepare for my Leopard wrasse bed :)

    bro make it 3 sided .... :whistle

  5. Was a great weekend guys...Managed to drop by Ah Beng shop with bro vurbul and bought a pair of peculiar and a turbo

    24hrs has past so far and they look good so far...still in quarantine though..hope to release them soon when they are feeding well.

  6. Ya. The clownfish sure like the anemone. Stick to it all day long.

    One problem ~ Sea Cucumber kept stationed at the back flow to the sump.

    This cause the water flow back to the sump to be slow and not enough to supply water to chiller.

    DIY a block cup (pic 1646) to prevent this problem.

    15 Apr 2010

    Modified the design and DIY a better one. Very smooth in ensuring good water flow back. (pic 1640 and 1645)

    Re-scrape again to accomodate the moving creature in my tank. (pic 1666)

    Anemone is beautiful in a tank, but just be careful of its movements bro..i had bad experience with it. Wiped out my tank in 5 minutes

  7. Hi Guys...

    The whole day at work...all i could think of was my fish tank....wondering how the result would be....Managed to shorten the last meeting of the week.... :eyebrow:

    Shoot to AM to get eheim pump to replace the current standard pump....

    Rush home and immediately begin with test...Please take a look at the result...What do you think?


  8. Hi,

    i intend to setup a 1.5 cube tank (about 91 litre),

    the return pump will be connected from sump to the chiller (1/5hp) then back to the main tank (around 1,5m height).

    I will have a separate wavemaker (likely viotech mp10) in the main tank.

    what should be my return pump flow rate? Will eheim 1250(1200l/h) or aquabee 1000 (1000l/h) be sufficent?

    Please advise. Thank You.

    Hi Bro, our setup quite similar. I'm using eheim compact 1000. It allows you to adjust the flow rate to up to 1000l/h

    So far looks good and no whirlpool. Bought it at Aquamarin at $55.

    I'm replacing my other return pump to that too as the current std pump is not powerful enough.

  9. just went to tidy my tank a little :) Update:

    Water Clarity

    My tank water now looks really much clearer now. The amount of particles in the water has been reduced probably by about 70%.

    The clarity should be down to 2 reasons.

    1) the higher water flow through the Chemipure in the MCE 600. The chemipure used to be housed in the mechanical filter module of the Tunze Reefpack 200. The water flow and passing rate is really way too low. with the MCE, I can now have at least 3X the amount of water passing through it now.

    2) Filter sock - This thing is really cool. Reefers with Sump really need to use this. I cannot find any reason not to.

    Coraline Algae

    Good purplish growth all round the rocks. The base of the tank has numerous purple spots too. I have not even dosed any KH buffers & calcium so far. Maybe I should to speed their growth up. The thing I realised is that there is no hairy algae presence.... why?

    I used to have tons of that. With the reset of my tank, it is practically the same as a new tank set up. but there is no new tank syndrome... strange. but this is good news :)

    Zoas growth

    A lot of the small frags I have multiplied. now a Lot of the zoas are placed too closed together. I need to reposition them (maybe this weekend) and space them out. A lot of the small frags I have and quite well spread. Looking forward to them blooming even more.

    Some of them are slowly regaining their colours. It takes about 1 - 2 months for the zoas in my tank to get back its colour.


    The rics are also doing very well. expanded till quite large. Thinking of getting a few more to fill up the rics space... hmmmm....


    Starting to encroach onto other corals now. They really look very nice in full bloom. very healthy currently.

    Need to find a way to contain their growth.


    Peter's mini blasto pulled through the ordeal and is back in pink of health already. So happy.....

    In short... all the corals are doing rather well and showing no signs of decline. Fishes are also doing great.

    I can even hand feed the Yellow tang. The yellow wrasse and tailspot is fine. My Helfrichi has put on weight and has been white spotless for 2 weeks liao.

    Everything is blissful and hope it stays this way :)

    Bro, any latest pic of your tank after the clean up?

  10. return the jelly cans to them and they will refund u....u can get from them in plastic packets for NSW and pour straight into yr tank for water change...

    reborn also sell NSW...

    i guess its hard to say no to janet... :eyebrow:

    yeah bro...hard to say no to her... :eyebrow:

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