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Posts posted by newmarine

  1. Well that's probably an alternative too... have you experience any obvious savings? Mind sharing?

    Bro, nice scape. Always enjoy reading your thread. Yes can share if there are saving moving to the compressor type of chiller. Am currently using Resun C1000 for my 5ft and boy its drinking my electricity power like no tomorrow. :)

  2. hi,

    didn't do anything special. Just keep up with the normal dosing of CA, KH, MG, Iodine, etc.... good water circulation and lighting.

    May be keeping the rock clean of debris and algae might help.

    ok. Hope that my rock can be like yours one day. Filled with nice coraline algae.

  3. first time trying mini shrimps for my fishes ..... Guess wat there go crazy chasing them and feed till stomach bloated :lol::yeah: Will definitely buy another packet next time for them to feed again

    Found alot more drined down into the sump area <_< Might as well become food for my loster there :lol:

    wow, where did you bought the shrimp. May want to try it for my coral too..

  4. 1xTunze universal mini pump @ $10

    Pumping capacity: 150 – 300 l/h (39.6 – 79.2 US gal./h),

    Hmax: 0.7 m (27.5 in.)

    Power supply: 230V/50Hz (115V/60Hz),

    cable 2 m (78.7 in.)

    Energy consumption: 5 W

    Housing without outlet and suction cup: 44 x 43 x 42 mm (4.0 x 3.5 x 2.95 in.). Outlet pipe: L 16 mm (.62 in.), diam. 13/10.5 mm (.51/.41 in.)

    bro, got any pic and may i know how old is the pump?

  5. just did a test of my water and here are the result for comment.











    Any idea why my kh is so high?

    Am running a RM CR, H&S De-nitrator, Skimz FR with Rowa, Grotech MgPro.

    Thanks for the advice

  6. Now trying to get the coraline algae to grow on the rocks. Started to switch on my T5 4 tubes lights. Now only have 2 x 80 ATI Blue Plus for 1hour daily.

    Intend to increase to 2 hours and hopefully by next week 4 hours daily. Once reach that will on my 2 x 80w ATI Aquablue special for 1 hour daily for 2 days then upto 2 hours.

    Wanted to be real careful so that algae don't bloom.

    Appreciate comment or advice on my thought for photoperiod.

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