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flying carpet

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Posts posted by flying carpet

  1. I used airpump for my tank and can also see that my clown fish like to play around with the bubbles. The reason why I stop is because the when the bubbles get to the surface of the water it bust out tiny drop of water and in the end accumiliate to be big droplets. Anyway skimmer has an air driven inlet hence there is also oxygen flowing back to the tank so no more airpumps for me.

  2. Have recently kept a red base anemone for about 3 months now and still crossing my fingers. They are very difficult to understand and have the tendency to commit sucide by going into power head or wavemaker. This is my last anemone. Had lost a few during previous attempts.

  3. Hey Mr Flying Carpet,

    Thank you for the concern. I'm cool and am not angry.

    That's my purpose of posting, to let reefers know of his dishonest conduct and itegrity problem......Going thru Pm will only 'sweep the rubbish under the carpet'

    No one will know wat happened.

    Anyway, the coffee with him is difinite a no go for i've mentioned many times...I'll not sit in a table with non gentleman..



    Wah you trying to sweep rubbish under me is it!!! :lol::lol::lol:

    (joking only lah)

  4. Guys I believe that this is going no where. Why don't you guys just cool off. Let the matter rest. Everybody has a point or two about each other. This is not the way to settle things or solve dispute. There are junior and senior member around reading this thread.

    Mr Razali and Mr Daniel both of you have something to say about each other. From the way I see it, it is either stop replying or have coffee and talk about this like mature adults.

    Sorry guys if I sound like a nosy parker but to see anger raging in this thread is not healthy.

  5. Bro d88p don't worry. I'm sure that there will not be a breakout of any sort. We all adults here and are mature people (when I say we means everybody in sgreef).

    Sometimes people may say things immature and spark anger but never mind life is too short to entertain idiots.

  6. Dear Mr Elune,

    Thank for your comment. In case you did not notice, the thread starter seek permission from Mr Achilles himself and was given the go ahead. Your comment does not effect us in anyway as we have kept this thread clean and did not include any racial content.

    If in anyway you feel like you need to say something vulgar keep it to yourself as you are potraying a bad image to yourself.


    For you to read.


  7. two pilots shot down......as i have mentioned, AEROPLANES stay away from this thread!!!!!! If u wanna waste the good opportunity by all means but dont waste people's time!!!!! <_<<_<<_<

    sorry but have to reset the queue, those who are REALLY KEEN, kindly pm me, and please make sure u r not just another kiasu after dont-care-whatever-as-long-as-free!!!!!!


    FOC stuff also got pilots ah!!!

  8. What you wanna know the deep dark secret of why maids are in batam. Or employers are bad payment master or maid agency that you think is your saviour is actually make you look like a fool?

    Would you also like to know that most Singaporeans think that higher agency fee means "good maid"? or an agency which pratice transparency have many hidden cost.

    I will tell you everything.


  9. Figi rocks goes at 16/kg. You can still use them rock but beware due top that it has been out of water for 4 days any live form found on the rock will decomposed and this will caused you nitrate and ammonia to shoot up.

    If you want to purchase it maybe you should put it a pail of salt water put in a water pump for circulation and run carbon at the same time. Let it run for a few days until there is no decomposed smell.

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